You get lots of multiple RT quotes off to the side on that free site, great charts just open new page for one more chart etc, and shrink them to fit 2 on screen . You have wifi can use two laptops but should get laptop that can add an extra screen .
Look now when the SPY was stalling @ $139.50 thats when everything faded from , why I went dark & faded AAPL & AMZN. You cant always know this will happen but with all the fear still in the market and SPY wasnt going higher you initiate fades.
Lot of big fades today too PCLN 8pts, AAPL 10pts, AMZN 5, LNKD 5pt even CF fell back 4pts .
So you have to have SPY chart running always right above or beside what ever else your trading so you can see both. Similar stocks group together, like AGU alongside CF two of the biggest Fertilizers & will be en vogue long after AAPL goes back to $300, lol.
Keep in mind what ranges stocks traded in today in relation to the SPY moves, remember those range pivots, this will tell you more or less what these stocks will do next week.