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03/05/03 2:31 AM

#32541 RE: Cassandra #32540

Sorry, Mama Cass, 'twas you who said the following: "The security of the content is the actual key. Apple is working with the music labels to protect their content... Unfortunately, e.Digital made the opposite choice in the design of the Odyssey. Unlike the iPod, the Odyssey can be used to transfer music from one user to another, possibly illegally. It's a strange departure from the former claim of e.Digital that it had the only solution to protect content and that if legal downloadable content were available, EDIG stock will go to moon. Now e.Digital's design facilitates illegal music swapping."

(Hmmmm; I fear that you will have to prove to me that EDIG said its stock would "go to the moon"; I can't remember a single instance of such speculation issuing from the company.)

Apparently Apple, Creative Labs, SBLU/Rio, and every other MP3 player manufacturer worthy of mention has also elected not to preclude the transfer of users' files between players and PCs. You and Sinaculi may not be aware of this, but it is common knowledge. It's what customers want, it's what they expect, it's what they pay for. Furthermore, e.Digital is fully prepared to support DRM schemes when they become relevant or mandated. License arrangements have already been made with Intertrust, Real Audio, Windows Media, Sony ATRAC/Magic Gate, etc. You really should do more independant research into MP3 technology, rather than depending on stock board posters for technical information.