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11/07/12 1:49 AM

#13323 RE: eiddle #13322

Shouldn't that read Four more months My friends, wait till you see what's coming .


11/07/12 9:19 AM

#13324 RE: eiddle #13322

Yes I agree, four more years... The war on coal continues, depending on other countries for oil, investing in totally horriable type of energy...doesn't really help MVTG at all, much less the USA.


11/07/12 3:33 PM

#13351 RE: eiddle #13322

Good news for MVTG for sure!!!!


Michael Bloomberg was affiliated with Salomon Brothers before launching his own firm Bloomberg News and later becoming mayor.

Hurricane Sandy may have blacked out the East Coast, but it has enlightened New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Feeling the devastation, he senses that climate change may have contributed, pushing him to throw his weight behind President Obama, who remains committed to the cause.

The mayor’s endorsement is unlikely to sway the election. But it does lend credence to those business-minded folks who say that the federal government must take steps to minimize heat-trapping emissions. To that end, Bloomberg will establish a political fund to allocate money to the like-minded — something he has already been doing, having given $50 million to the Sierra Club.

“Our climate is changing,” writes Mayor Bloomberg, in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. “And while the increase in extreme weather we have experienced in New York City and around the world may or may not be the result of it, the risk that it might be — given this week’s devastation — should compel all elected leaders to take immediate action.”

With that, he goes on to say that President Obama has shown that he cares about the issues. While the president tried to shepherd a cap-and-trade bill through Congress, it has since withered given that body’s political make-up and the country’s economic problems. Still, Bloomberg is praising Obama for increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks.

The goals going forward, the mayor continues, are not just to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also those tied to acid rain, soot and mercury. President Obama has taken the proper precautions to reduce those pollutants by clamping down on coal-fired power, he says. By contrast, Mitt Romney had favored a cap-and-trade system while he was governor of Massachusetts but he has since changed his mind and has done everything possible to curry favor with coal constituencies.

Responsible leadership, in fact, does not play the political odds — but, instead, takes the scientific bet. Any prudent business person must consider “what if” and construct a variety of models. Environmentalists may be criticized for assuming the “worst case” but the fossil fuel sector is at fault for burying its collective head in the sand: Many jurisdictions hit by natural disaster have wished they had built better levies and had demanded stricter building codes.

In 2011, 14 major weather events occurred costing at least $1 billion each, says the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. Sandy alone is expected to run $20 billion. Droughts, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, thunderstorms and wildfires are active and having widespread effects.

But what are the odds that world leaders will take practical steps to head off a possible calamity? On some level, steps are occurring now with the funding and the development of greener technologies. And as those tools mature, prices will come down and their possibilities will be even brighter.

Major insurance companies are also raising awareness. Take Munich Re, which assumes risks from primary insurers that don’t want to get bombarded with claims in the event of a huge disaster: It says that North America has experienced a nearly five-fold increase in extreme weather patterns over 30 years. Some have said that this is the face of climate change while others are adamant that it is all part of a natural pattern.

“We must choose where to invest our risk reduction resources, and we must do so wisely, or we will inevitably find ourselves living in a riskier world than we might otherwise,” says Peter Roder, member of the Munich Re Board of Management responsible for North American business, in a recent company publication.

The insurer says that climate change is a culprit that cannot be ignored, affecting the formation and intensity of heat waves, droughts and thunderstorms: In the Gulf of Mexico alone, there’s been a 35 percent increase in the size of storms since 1995. It adds that when “global warming combines with natural weather cycles,” it exacerbates the perils and the insured losses.

At a time when the world is ensconced in poverty and war, however, it has shown that it has little staying power with regard to climate change. Nations are disagreeing on the tactics to curb heat-trapping emissions and the targets that they would be required to meet. Money, of course, is also at the heart of the debate: Who will pay and what economies will be helped or hurt by participating in global protocols.

No doubt, the topic of climate change is contentious and some scientists are unable to make the link between global warming and human activity. But even if one accepts that the phenomenon is less than “urgent” and more like “uncertain,” the world’s leaders cannot slam the door and hope for the best. They must at least be pragmatic and inspire the use of cleaner burning fuels.

At the time of any policy decision, it is impossible to know which scenario will play out. Still, it is imperative to think through all decisions — in effect, to suspend one’s beliefs in an effort to think the unthinkable. Just as boom and bust cycles are inevitable so too are catastrophic events. In business, entire industries once thought to be inevitable have faded. Meantime, social media enterprises as well as internet giants unheard of 20 years ago are now the fabric of society.

“If you had said Enron and WorldCom would fall, and the World Trade Center and the city of New Orleans would also be gone, people would have said you were crazy,” says David Hallam, former chief executive of the Structure Group, in previous talk with this writer. “Executives understand the implications of each scenario and use them when evaluating decisions.”

Policymakers must also do the same. Dealing with climate change may seem insurmountable. But once again, the answer is not to ignore the other’s position; rather, it is to listen carefully to what their solutions are — and to incorporate a practical path forward that heads off a potential problem in a cost-effective manner.

Sandy may have washed ashore in New York. But if Mayor Bloomberg has his way, it will also turn the tide on climate change.