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11/05/12 12:43 PM

#32275 RE: snowydog #32274

Am not Storm but wondering about your question. Maybe since they put forth that cautionary qualifier they have discovered that it is a revenue generator and have not seen a noticeable decline in interest yet, perhaps if they notice a decline, via reduced buying interest, then they will slow down on the pushes. Additionally, they are not promoting the same clients with each push and it is a while before the same app is pushed again, maybe a couple weeks intervene. In time, with more clients, then the repeat time would seemingly expand. The pushes are doing something in addition to promoting and selling a specific app, they are also subtly reminding potential buyers of the existence of Metatron and by offering a variety of pushes it might become imprinted in the collective conscious that Metatron has a large inventory of apps of related interest to choose from or create that perception.


11/05/12 1:18 PM

#32276 RE: snowydog #32274

Reply to snowydog:

snowydog said: Storm, what is your take on the number of push notifications that wre being performed. I remember blog comments that they would be careful not to send too many notifications and wear out their welcome...seems like we have had quite a few.

Storm Reply: You know, these pushes are pretty unobtrusive in nature, heck almost subliminal. I am not seeing them as particualar annoying (though perhaps I am biased a bit). As dreamjnon put so eloquently, they are rotating them and its getting the RSW app and many others on their minds or making them aware of apps that they didnt know existed.
In addition, rememember, if they average 5,000 new users a day, which equates to 35,000 brand new people who havent seen previous pushes, AND they rotate at most having their top apps pushed once a week, and others every 2 weeks, then I dont really have any issues with it agitating.

They are still in testing phase on timing and wording, so I imagine they will expand to not just selling apps, but showing other company news, or promoting other non-harrold apps or events....Super Soul Sunday Tolle/Oprah for example or maybe even self-help releated stuff.

All tuned to brand buildings, app awareness building, rapport/communication engaging with users (aids in retention)...keeping MRNJ and its apps on a persons an audience already favorable to this genre.

So, not concerned, just want them to hit other ones. The one today (Get Motivated)is NOT an in-app anywhere, so a real good one to promote to the RSW users. Same with Instant Sleep.

