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11/02/12 7:18 PM

#336955 RE: janice shell #336952

There aren't many pumper clowns on this board

Speaking of pumper clowns, is it true Treffrey moved to Thailand? I thought his wife was Filipino. Was Thingamathong originally from Thailand?

Looks like Willy and Treff are hating on each other again. lol I bet neither one wants to really spill the beans about their relationship.

By: upchuck
02 Nov 2012, 05:35 PM CDT
Rating: Msg. 1136644 of 1136651

Hey Allan Treffrey do you think your big fat overweight foot will fit?
Allan you even talk like the mob. Is that why you are so fat, you eat all that Italian food?

Folks Treffrey ran off to Thailand, can you believe that. A lawyer who cannot seem to be able to make a living in our country. A lawyer, can you believe that. I can't either.

Allan tell us why you ran off, please tell us. You said you were afraid of the mob. Now why would you need to be afraid of the mob.

yuk yuk yuk

In any case, I will leave you to ponder this email. My recommendation? Quit while you are only a smelly piece of dog s**t still somewhat in tact. Do not invite my big foot to step on you further. Get my drift?

By: willyhalengel
02 Nov 2012, 06:00 PM CDT
Rating: Msg. 1136648 of 1136651
(Reply to 1136644 by upchuck)

upchuck, I hope he pukes on himself. Looks like he really believed you were me that is so funny. I was reading the last couple weeks as his buddy was calling you names trying to create dissension.

btw I still live in the USA in Washington absolutely no reason to leave this great country. I don't hide from anyone especially the trudyboy bunch of clowns, all of them are buffoons and clowns jmo :). btw the SEC knows who knew who lol maybe they will come for the entire bunch some day lol.

Hal Engel