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10/30/12 2:43 AM

#48969 RE: tebow4ever #48968

I'm a college student as well. Actually I'll have my masters here soon. I hold a good portion of SRGE, but there is no way to tell for sure if there is a buyout or not. It's just something you take a chance on. Keep in mind though that if you are looking for quick, fast, and in a hurry the stock market isn't the place. However there are a lot of good things unfolding recently here with SRGE, I wouldn't be caught with my pants down either way on this one. Better to hold your head high and say you tried than sitting in the stands while the players pop the champagne.

Just my option and $.02 cents for ya.


10/30/12 2:45 AM

#48970 RE: tebow4ever #48968

Welcome to the SRGE board. To answer your question, no one knows for sure, because it would be considered "insider trading" if someone actually knew of this before hand.

There is, however, a very good likely hood in my opinion that a buyout or joint venture will happen, given the recent activities of this company.

You would probably do very well to take a shot along with the rest of us who believe that SRGE is about to do great things.

Just remember, once you make your purchase, put a sell order in for $1 or more and set your sell order expiration for "good until cancelled", this will ensure no one is able to use your shares for short selling.

Good Luck, I think SRGE will be huge!!!


10/30/12 9:42 AM

#48998 RE: tebow4ever #48968

You will hear all kinds of fiction here in SRGE land. Just do some research and check out the videos and pictures of the abandoned mine they are claiming to be at. That should answer all questions in if you should trust this scam of a company.

Also the buyout rumor is coming from a BLOG (yeah a free blog at blogspot) and has a disclaimer at the bottom that starts of by informing you that everything on it is fictional LMAO (No I am not making this up)