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10/27/12 2:09 PM

#141586 RE: Q-reus #141585

No, MM had it right. I have a small disagreement with management's SHM point here. I am sure they felt they had it down cold. And, to their credit, without any DoD money, they were ready for AUVSI. But no quick sales, so far as we can see, right? To me that means that they got refinement feedback and that kind of feedback usually includes some $upport flowing through a contract vehicle. Just my experience. They were speaking in July and I am at the end of October looking back. I stick with my other contention--research spiral appearing in November or February 10-Q starts a 120 day clock. Gosh, I would be delighted to be wrong about that. And the Argus could surprise me at any time. We will see. Please keep me accountable for what I say! Regards, Indy.