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10/25/12 2:11 PM

#56683 RE: Fritz #56682

Logical...Factual --- But there's nothin' etched in stone...

I'm bein' optimistic of course, but I've seen many large A/S
stocks, with large O/S make solid moves...Is FBCD gonna be one
of them?...Only time will tell

I've also seen a mere handful of these type of stocks sustain, and
go forward after an RS...Would FBCD be one of them?... That
would remain to be seen.

The knowledge you share is fantastic...All scenarios are within'
thier own context, though percentages prevail in most things.

So,then again, you could be dead on the money

Reckon we wait and see

GLTY >>> Be cool
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10/25/12 2:20 PM

#56686 RE: Fritz #56682

Is it better to own the stock before or after a possible R/S
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10/25/12 3:27 PM

#56703 RE: Fritz #56682

I understand and appreciate your good post explaining why R/S is "needed." That is exactly what every, repeat every, scamming penny stock company says. However, that is just so much malarky, as 95% of all these new management types end up back in the same basement within a few months, or a couple years, at best.

All that a R/S really accomplishes is to wipe out all existing investors cash (their hopes and dreams for backing these companies in the first place) and opening the flood gates for a whole new set of people to get scammed.

I know our investmants are worth the same dollar amount the day after the split as before, but our chances of ever recovering our losses is pretty much gone. If management dilutes to these levels, let them work their way back on their own efforts, not the losses of previous or current investors. JMO
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12/04/12 11:32 PM

#58069 RE: Fritz #56682

Said it October 25th.. will copy and say it again..

Why a reverse split is likely:

N.A.T I will do my best to answer -

The goal of all public companies is to raise money. When a public company raises money they do it by executing funding deals with another party like a VC firm.

For example management of company ABC wants to raise money to execute its business plan. Their stock is trading at .05 at the moment.

So they will get in contact with a funder (all those LLC you see on the quarterlys) and say..

"give us $500k cash and we will give you stock at .01" (remember the company is trading at .05 so the funder gets a discount and minimizes their risk.)

Then once the stock clears the funder pays for a promotion (this is the infamous third party paid promo) so since the stock is trading at .05 they do a promotion and sell.. making a nice return.

This usually is not a problem with stocks but when a company like FBCD does this over and over and over and over again we run into a problem.

FBCD, for what its worth, is infamous in the funder world.. I know this because thats where I work. For the record anyone I work with, or my self have never ever worked with or funded FBCD. People know that this stock has a history of dilution.

We are now at a place where the price is so low and so many shares are on the market that even when a funder does a promo they get a very small return.

Funding a company that the avg price is .0005 makes it hard to fund because you are at the floor.


this is where the R/S comes in and by all means I am not trying to be a dbag or jerk here..

but if this new management, which I like more than leclerc, wants to raise more money they are forced in my opinion to do a R/S

Reason is because most funders do not want to touch FBCD since it has been a sh$%show... luckily leclerc has family and friends like robert rover to fund.. but leclerc is GONE.

So by committing a reverse split the company can now bring their price up to .. say.. .75 (with significantly less shares)and then they can do the funding the right way.

A reverse split is not always bad.. most times it is because the CEO's of these nanocap companies are all scammers.

if new FBCD is legit.. they do a R/S (again because they have to) do a new funding deal POST R/S and then the price grows from there.

I honestly hope that answers... PS I refuse to pay for memebership here.. so I have a few posts left.. would love to answer more


Im not one to toot my own horn.. but this may be stick worthy
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02/06/13 9:45 AM

#58705 RE: Fritz #56682

looks like I was right back on October 25th
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02/06/13 12:54 PM

#58707 RE: Fritz #56682

Nice point of view / information ...still this is one with problems and the dilution has hit reset