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10/23/12 10:09 PM

#5919 RE: DewDiligence #5902

i don't see how competition from folks like SLB and WFT can not hurt CLB. SLB in particular has deep pockets so they can use the service as a loss leader. SLB won't like doing that but they can. Conversely, CLB is much more of a one trick pony.

I think the comment about doing testing at reservoir P and T is complete BS. That sort of thing is exactly why companies have started doing more testing in-house. CLB is following - NOT developing a market.

your last question is a good one.

CLB will continue to make money but the business environment has changed dramatically from 2007.

i now work with several individuals who formerly worked for CLB and i have a much greater knowledge of some of their techniques (these are public knowledge sorts of things but would take some education to know what to look for and where). Some of the measurement techniques are extremely primitive so the only way i think anyone could make money on those measurements is thru volume. If there was any deterioration in service quality/reliability, which is easy in a volume operation, then they'll obviously have a problem. I don't know if they have a QC problem but efficiency and standardization was (and may still be) their advantage. Specialized testing was not.