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Kobe Ginobili

10/09/12 12:13 AM

#69513 RE: chris8sirhc #69512

Just signed up for the 2wks going through videos right now taking an aggressive approach lemme see if I can review over 50% of them in 2wks (as a moderate goal)


10/09/12 7:43 AM

#69514 RE: chris8sirhc #69512


Very good resource, but it will take some time to digest everything. You realistically will not get through all his videos in only two weeks, so get started as soon as you can!


11/11/12 11:59 AM

#70217 RE: chris8sirhc #69512

Hi Chris...

"You go into a meeting an hour later, and when you come out the stock has tanked, and you've lost your A$$. Tim Sold for a slight profit, and you were not even at a computer to so much as think about selling. "

Boy that is a such a great reminder - as you know - I've been caught because of the same exact circumstances...