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02/28/03 9:21 PM

#321 RE: Darth Shibby #315

Three blind mice... See how they run!

Churak The Egg
Mutton Bustin' Phil Rider
The Original 5 Headed Carrot

"The boy who challenged me...
He'll probably challenge me again next week..."

So, if he practices very extra hard and has a good day,
while you might just have an off day, then what happens
in the sense of, what changed?

Can you lose a battle, and win the war?

We all know what the battle(s) are: obtain first chair

What is the war to win?
Might it be the last battle of a war?
Might it be better not to do battle(s),
and spend you time to win a war,
but to conduct your state of affairs with a goal?
If your goal requires you to keep first chair,
then i question if you have a correct target to obtain.
If your goal does not requires you to keep first chair,
but you spend extra time to keep first chair,
then thats time away from your target,
meaning, the target will take longer to obatin,
or worst case, be denied because you didn't stay focused.

"The boy who challenged me... "

Challenge is just another name for test,
or to guage if you understand,
or understand what pathway you travel,
or where the path takes you,
or if you know where you want to go,
and if you recognize where you now is.

"The boy who challenged me... "

Challenge is good, and it works both way,
to be challenged and to challenge another
as both obtain information that can be used.


Send to your printer 3 copies of all these messages
to & from you, about the first chair.

e-mail a copy to Sheriff IH Admin (Matt),
and your father that i use name of BobZ,
to read them and challenge them to explain to you
their views of what was said to you, and by you.

Note, i do not do private messages & e-mails for this
type of talks, and since i have detailed enough info
in public iHub messages to cause both your father
and Matt to keep me "at a distance," it is best that
you get a second and third opinion from these two.

Anyway, me being an alien from planet Pluto that exist
as an AI program at MIT have agenda to physically move
this thrid rock from the sun next to my home planet so that
the gold can be mined from the Wildcat gold mine :o)
Three blind mice, Three blind mice, See how they run!
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails, With a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice.
----THE END----

Message In Reply To: ryhming stuff, did you write that?

I'am sure Fred/Koikaze would agree with me
that words we put forth are just echo(s) of words
we obtained from others that obtained them from others.

What we do with these "tools" as thoughts, is what counts.

a - z letters we all have,
as them words in dictionaries,
as them voices we read and hear from others
in print or on video or in music.

The person who writes a love song, has the words,
but another whom cannot write the words
may have the meaning.

"The boy who challenged me...
He'll probably challenge me again next week..."

Why not make it an un-challenge-ing situation
if the whole is greater than the sums of the parts,
where each part contains battles,
and the sum does not,
as in,
if you both have excellent abilities,
good enough for first chair,
and whom get that chair
depends on paractice & having a good day,
such that effort above normal practice
and thoughts over normal objective thoughts
that become driven by battle
not so much to win
but that the other loses,
where you win is measured by the others lost,
then why not lead rather than push
and ask the boy to join you as an equal with ability,
but with acknoledgement that you both make different music?
This way you both can share first chair,
and agree to rotate that seat,
knowing the second chair is a 1.01
not an 2.00
and this way the battle is not done
and you can work towards winning the war.

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04/14/03 7:34 AM

#369 RE: Darth Shibby #315

Darth, Buggy poetry contained within. :o)

Should i bug out before BobZ tells me to bug off about a bug ?

While BobZ's software bugs are many shapes and sizes,
and they present themselves in ways to behold and wonder,
they do appear to me quite bright, even in the twilighted night.

Do i make light of the night, or nigh might i shed light
on what i see as a BobZ bug, that is ever so slight,
that some could say that i'am not being nice
about such a harmless lice ?

Should i fly, or fire some light on this but of such small fright ?

To light this bug into a lightning bug of cold light will not shine bright,
and this firefly will take flight into the dim night.

So please, don't hold tight the night,
else the twilight might not turn into the light.


ok, here is the bug (or) z the BobZ bug re: #msg-916986

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