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02/27/03 10:34 PM

#7349 RE: TREND1 #7348

Israel's importance to US before and after IRAQ war:
More on the game of chess in the Mid East:

Before IRAQ war:
Israel needed by US as a balance in Mid East.

After IRAQ war:
Once US has control of IRAQ, what happens to the importance
of Israel in the Mid East ???

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02/28/03 3:50 AM

#7371 RE: TREND1 #7348

"Look at it as a Chess Game:" ok, but only if you can itemize
the rules of conduct between people. BUT oops, sorry Larry,
that approach identifies you as "the problem" that allowed
what we now have as an extremely bad situation world wide
to exist, as it does now. For you to think that the events
that are now unfolding can be controlled and any broken pieces
be put back together signals a complete lack of understanding
as to what caused all that we now talk about. To watch events
of people places and things, and to think that an order can be
made from a collection of mistakes and calamities is to lack
a vision of what should have been in place at the start,
and was not, leading to what we have today. Bottom line is that
the people of planet Earth have to start over and conduct the affairs
between people in a way to respect each others right to be free
of mental and physical attacks by people that use force to get
their way. So i say, lets start over, but first we need to erase
those people who do not respect another person's right to exist,
and until done the future will repeat the bad mistakes of the past.
Hopefully Saddam, being of a criminally insane person not of birth,
will not reason himself as i fear he will as i noted in my last post,
but do as a one unable to think rational and allow the USA attack.
That saying "Not if, but when." to me its either now or in 5 years
this USA invasion of Iraq will occur. Better now. But then there is
another quite extra simple route than can be taken "overnight."
If Saddam is killed by his military, and his immediate family
and those in his inner circle are placed upon house arrest,
then this will allow a UN type intervention to allow the populace
of Iraq to determine their near future fate, and that will be o.k.
in the short term of 10 years, but the problem of terrorism will not
be addressed, and depending on attacks against the United States
this present day situation will be revisited even without Saddam.
or, To put it in the simplist terms, "Not if, but when." a weapon
of mass destruction is used inside the United States, then the
American people will demand of prez bush to use total force
against the Middle East "types" that now seem to be behind it.
And forget the oil element, as the reason prez bush is now acting
is both not knowed to him, and its not oil. All sad, especially that
99% of the people hurt/effected will be innocents. Yes it will get
very very ugly for folks in the USA with appearance of Middle East.
But then, if 99.99% are against acts of terrorism, then how is it that
the .01% can decide the fate of the 99.99% when what they deliver
is a Hell on Earth. Answer that before you proceed.
