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02/27/03 10:38 PM

#7350 RE: TREND1 #7349

To the extent that the Bush Admin is serious about creating democracy in the mideast, Israel is crucial.

Plus there is the bible/christian wildcard. Remember, Ashcroft holds prayer sessions in the Justice dept., and apparently attending them is a condition of employment (so at least it is reported, nevermind its constitutionality). If true, Israel will still be important.

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02/27/03 11:01 PM

#7352 RE: TREND1 #7349

"After IRAQ war:
Once US has control of IRAQ, what happens to the importance
of Israel in the Mid East ???"


At that point, Israel would be exactly what it is now - our only friend and the only democratic society in the Middle East. I see absolutely no reason for anything to change between the US and Israel, except we should be less eager and willing to play footsie with a terrorist like arafat.
