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09/29/12 7:55 PM

#140758 RE: bagelboy #140757

No, I don't place total responsibility on management. There are legacy issues, and obvious difficulties with securing DoD or government contracts. No one is arguing that. But it wasn't previous management who opened their big mouths and publicly predicted that shareholders would be very pleased with the share price by the 2012 shareholder meeting. That indicates this management didn't understand the obstacles in front of them, and may be out of their league in overcoming them.

I stand by my previous statements that if this company succeeds, many here will give full credit to current management, and if it fails, they will be blame previous management and large shareholders who many believe are dumping shares. They can't imagine the current share price is a true reflection of the market's perception of the company.

I remind you the previous management team kept this company afloat for several years during the SEC investigation that resulted in criminal convictions. One of the ways they did that was to accept shares in lieu of salaries. While I don't know the current status of JL's shares, he never sold any shares while he was required to report.

Seifert, who did sell shares, did so in a controlled, systematic manner over 12-15 months so as to minimize the impact on the share price. Even with that, he was blasted by many here because he was selling. Anyone selling for any reason is labeled as someone with ulterior motives on this board.

I also remind you that HW and JL were investigated by the SEC in depth, and no charges were filed. I know many assume that anyone investigated to that degree MUST be guilty of something illegal. If that's so, why were no charges filed? Those individuals, along with RM, were instrumental in creating and fostering the Space Florida relationship. Yet some still want to credit that to the new management team.

I really hope Estrella has learned how to properly conduct himself as the company spokesman following his initial contact with FEMA. I have my doubts, but I'll try to keep an open mind. I'd love for someone to get their hands on a transcript or recording of that call. I'm sure one exists, knowing how the Feds like to document everything. It certainly would shed some light on a topic that was discussed in great detail back then.