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10/05/05 7:46 AM

#4666 RE: Crow3 #4665

You are not on ignore in the usual sense of the word on this forum. You posts will continue to be visible to me, It is just that I will refuse to answer any posts addressed to me from you.

At least, until I see something worth comment.
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10/05/05 8:33 AM

#4667 RE: Crow3 #4665


You are correct, there is no more debate on a subject that would cost you whatever you would wager.

It is not obvious to you Caw choke that Mari and I collaborated with the boys. It is obvious that you know you would lose your wager.

You have no idea why the CA was brought on. In cases such as these, it is VERY common for them to take years. You need an good example, how long as the SEC investigation gone on? It sometimes takes a long time.

Go ahead and say the SEC is collaborating with the boyz, that will always be your chicken liver cop out.

Once again you show your ignorance, complaining of watered down shares, it is VERY common for companys that are bought out to get one share for x amount of the other company. I have seen it up to 1 for 100. Or maybe you would have preferred how the real big companies sometimes do it, your stock just goes to zip, and you start completely over.

Yes, the boys did receive a certain amount of immunity, but anyone could have filed on the boys for months before the DA suit was filed, and where was your check book when the opt outs opted out. Why did you not cut yourself in on a piece of the go get the boys action with lmorovan and the other opt outs. It is so obvious why, you are a bunch of hypocrits, you like to point fingers at those who did do something, while you and others never did a darn thing. Ain't you special.

Forget the debate caw caw, lets put the wager up, go to New York, get you a lawyer or a person of integrity you trust, and lets hear the truth from those involved.

You don't want to hear the truth, that is the reason for your yellow belly post about not trusting me. Bring whoever you want that you trust. If you want the truth, you can get it, it is only a little wager.

I know how many shares have been sold, it is you goofy that needs to fill in the blank. It was you and your other brainy friends that popped off about how many had been sold. All I asked you smart boys, was based on the same math you used on the same sb2, was to tell me what that sb2 said I sold. LOL

This whole thing is way over your head.
