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09/21/12 1:23 AM

#45821 RE: DirkDiggler85 #45820

Zero progress? Lexit just said the hush was lifted, and we all know that the whole thing is just in a wait state until the next proceedings which if I correctly recall was schedule for somewhere mid-later November. The wheel of the legal system turn slowly. Does not mean nothing has or will happen, only that it will do what it will do in its own timeframe.


09/21/12 3:22 AM

#45822 RE: DirkDiggler85 #45820

"The AMF "investigation" has made ZERO progress."

Nonsense. As Lexit has shown, on September 4 this year - just over two weeks ago - Amyot lost his case to suppress the evidence accumulated by AMF on this most egregious of scams.

To all intents and purposes, it's now over.

As Annex C to the case shows, the AMF collected relevant evidence about a whole cast of "Who's Who in North American penny stock scams" including:

Jean François Amyot
Conseils Hilbroy Inc.
IAB Media Inc.
Toyma Capital Inc.
Midland Baring Asset Value Corp.
Sege Ollu
Andrea Cortelazzi
Daniel Ryan
Carol McKeown
Antonio Papa
Downshire Capital Inc.
Gérald Parkin
Monimpex International Ltd.
Yannick Lessard
and of course, Wanderport itself:

This evidence is now fully permissible and actionable by AMF.

If it's any consolation, the evidence that can now be fully examined on any media or from almost any source - documents, USB sticks, computers, Skype logs, BlackBerries, Bank accounts, iPhones, you name it - seized by the AMF should be able to bring down dozens more penny stock scams controlled by the same organized criminals behind WDRP.