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10/01/05 11:40 PM

#96372 RE: nomad1 #96371

Not to confuse, but it is a rapidly changing world

This is IBM, Intel, NTT Docomo on mobile platforms....
The use stuff announced this week is Nokia, Vodaphone, etc. etc.

Two Standards...One Standard....ARM is being worked out and may well take a while....meanwhile everybody wants product out.....

btw...I love that Seth Schoen thinks we don't like cell phones. May be true of America, but then we are way behind the rest of the world in our use of mobile devices....... He does represent the Electronic Frontier, but not the Electronic Future.

Nobody wants to deal with security until it's their house that has been robbed. Nobody wants to build levees strong enough to withstand a force five until AFTER the flood.

IMO either we get good security now or we will eventually get all the things Mr. Schoen fears most in reaction to not having built the fences in the first place. Some things work with open source and some things don't. EFF should be discussing things in the context of a belief system. Instead they are knee-jerk reacting to one side of the problem. I'm betting that those of us who want locks on our OWN doors will win this particular battle. Please protect me from those who want to protect me against myself. And Snackman....sadly, Wave's very survival may depend on dealing with this very political debate. So you may eliminate a discussion here on EFF as political, but the politics of privacy are at the center of the success of trusted computing and trusted mobile and, personally, I don't think we can avoid discussing it much longer --- now that it is out in the open as the EFF vs. the TCG.