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09/15/12 2:16 PM

#58166 RE: Sosa #58163

Uh-huh. That's why they suppressed a patent worth billions for eight years. To "save" the company.

Deer Slayer 9791

09/15/12 8:39 PM

#58170 RE: Sosa #58163

Finally. Someone who knows the truth. I've been saying the same thing for years. Excellent post Sosa.


09/15/12 11:51 PM

#58176 RE: Sosa #58163

In the end, we are better off where we are now.

This is the only part of what you wrote that I can agree with with no reservations or questions.

There has been so much disinformation, so much self-serving, so much infighting, incompetence, likely criminal behavior, and so many delays for so long now that I don't think you can single out any one, or even any single group of our 'insiders' as the root cause of our current situation.

I've got my opinions as to how we all got here. Others have differing opinons of how we got here. We'll likely never agree. We are - however - in the same boat now.

Point is - at this stage the blame game as to who was the biggest rat in the pack to get us here doesn't acutally matter that much at the moment.

Point is - we are here (finally). We can't change how we got here. We are finally moving forward. What we are having done for us at the moment actually appears to be working. The parties that got us to this sorry state are mostly not driving things now.

The Reciever appears to be doing his part. We should leave it at that - and if this all settles out as we make some money - those who find themselves with some spare cash could consider lawsuits and damages if so inclined and if they can demonstrate fault.