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04/17/01 6:49 PM

#7715 RE: Rich McBride #7708

Go get them Rich!!!EOM

Rich McBride

04/17/01 6:50 PM

#7716 RE: Rich McBride #7708


The important thing is to concentrate on moving forward.
It was not a DISASTER, just a new start up company and
a CEO trying to wear to many hats.

When you deal with complex parts, and start from scratch
you can not see all the bumps in the road.

I gave it everything I had plus my health. I'm not
stoping now!

You are both good supporters, vent and get it out!

Then lets support George and his hand picked team and
make it happen.

Rich McBride


04/17/01 7:03 PM

#7717 RE: Rich McBride #7708

Rich a few questions if you will?

You say Bill Holland got in trouble last time he did a story on you & SEVU? What do mean by "trouble" I never saw an apolgy or retraction from Bill Holland nor did I see you or SEVU attempt any legal action VS. Him or his firm. Is it not true that the "trouble" report you claim is still online for ALL to see?

The complaint against you reads, and I quote:

"Your affiant confirmed that the T.V. stations listed in the "broadcast orders" never received the video of Vector's product and in turn never received orders for Vector's product. Vector's product was never sold on the 30 television stations contrary to Direct Media's "broadcst orders" and "product sales reports" as provided to Vector. The television stations listed in the "broadcast orders" never heard of Vector's product nor have they seen the video of Vector's product.

It seems to me that Direct Media provided false broadcast orders as well as false product sales reports?

No contest & 6 years felony probation is a long long way from NOT GUILTY ? IMO ?

Were is the filing for this 1.5 million funding by you & management? Being there is no such filing to date it is FACT that no money has changed hands? Please advise?

The 10k states that The ex Ceo will pay back the shares for the sring deal? I am unsure but to me it looks as this has not yet happened as of the 10k ? Have you in fact transferred the shares back to SEVU or is this something you will do sometime later on? Please advise?

You claim of buying shares in the open market? Is it not true that this needs to be disclosed? I am no SEC attorney but I was under the impression it must be disclosed like within 10 days of the next month from purchase? I have not seen any filing showing you have purchased any shares? Are we to assume that such a filing is forthcoming ? Please advise?

The 2 sentences on the line by line review of the filing is a smack to the face of your long term supporters. IMO

Hatred is a horrible thing, I was faced with much hate by a group of SEVU longs on RB. The reason I still post about SEVU stems not for hate for you or SEVU yet dislike for the way I was harrassed by your supporters.

Please advise?

Happy Posting! ----


04/18/01 5:05 PM

#7794 RE: Rich McBride #7708

F+G you need to reep what you sow as well

This post from RLM is full of opinion, fiction, lies & not allot of facts, IMO It is still posted? Did you ever question the facts of this post and or think about deletion?

How come you have no beef with it? Because it is from RLM or is positive for SEVU no matter how wrong or non factual it is?

You need to understand that you cant have it both ways, iHUB is a business not the F+G SEVU show, If iHUB is to survive it needs to be an open forum of discussion of opinion. For and against.

Much like RB or SI, yet NO PERSONAL ATTACKS! Stiff TOS & Penalties for violations.

Sorry about that last deleted post, I could not control myself, That was funny, Not true or topical but funny? You had to chuckle on that one?

Anyway, It seems you have a problem with Admin Bob, The bears have been here posting before he was here?

Happy Posting!