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09/10/12 7:00 PM

#20081 RE: Winalov #20080

Whatever the pps was, the market cap was close to $500 million at one point. Given the current O/S that would give a pps of around $20.

Not sure who's been saying this was a $60-70 stock other than you.

Your observations otherwise are fairly accurate. This is a high risk investment with the potential of a large reward. It could fail.

For those of us who are relatively new to the stock, the situation is more promising than for those who have been around some time.

Only Dionne's psychics claim to know the future. The rest of us will have to wait and see.
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09/10/12 7:34 PM

#20082 RE: Winalov #20080

I'm not big on libi at all, in fact as a scientist its not exciting because its a relatively safe bet that its fine and will bring in revenue. What I'm excited about as a scientist is a real use of cell biology to create 17 cancer vaccines. This is ground-breaking, and as Simes said, at no cost to the investor. So the only reason I'm buying as hard as I can is because if libi gets approval and the pps goes up I have to pay more for the cancer tech. Its still worth it, but isn't it nice to get this chance window of opportunity while the shorts play around with the lenses of this ever-compressing plutonium core.
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Just the facts maam

09/10/12 7:54 PM

#20083 RE: Winalov #20080

Win, I know what has been happening has as funny smell.

I take solace in the information we have uncovered that he company has never presented.

1) CV risk reduction patent applications
2) Abbott' s friendly employee share program with Biosante.
3) Timely loaning of Linda Andrews from Abbott just prior to key changes to Libigel clinical trials Nov 12, 2009 along timed with significant changes to a Solvay trial on the same day.
4) Bio-t-gel is available through Blue Cross in Florida and
Michigan and will be available in Alabama next month.
5) GVAX was noninated as one top Vaccines at this years Vie awards
6) The licencing agreement between Aduro and Bisosante was runner at the Vie awards.

The second week of November, Biosante will be releasing Q3 earnings. I believe commercialization of Bio-t-gel triggers a milestone payment from Teva. That should show up in the Q3 earnings, in addition royalties will be starting. So basically you have an increase in revenue and with the greatly reduced burn rate this should surprise many analyst. If they are seriously looking to move the pps upward, this would be a good time to release what ever information they have.

Obviously there is a strategy in play that we are not privy to. I personally think it all revolves around an Abbvie IPO.

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09/11/12 10:35 AM

#20087 RE: Winalov #20080

"You people still want to believe it was once $60 - $70 stock before?
THAT IS NOT TRUE. this stock never saw ......$5.... yes five bucks R/S did the rest. Today's PPS for original investors
in BPAX? $.085, Yes, eight and half cent. WOW!!!!!! "

Yes, I too fell for the dot connecting bs. But we can see every single day that BPAX is dying by a 1000 small cuts- many of them inexplicably (to us) self inflicted.

But I have to ask you Win, you once told me to chill about all of this. Now it looks like you are finally concerned as well.

I think we are simply screwed until 18 months from now. And until then, we will be diluted into oblivion.

MY dot connecting on the premature reverse split:

BPAX screwed up the efficacy trials, thus pushing all merger plans BACK 2 YEARS. Once that happened and became public (the efficacy failure), they opened the door for the wolves. It became and continues to be a short festival.

Absolutely NOTHING these guys say means a thing unless they say something like- "We are being bought out for 500 million", which was a number Simes used in the past in an interview.

This is why the price goes down every time they open their mouths. Nothing in hand to back them. So good news is just a blip on the radar. And their Bio-T-Gel situation is just as ludicrous. No way to publicly let the world know they are going to get milestone payments. And even if they do, we have NO idea what they will be as they never did tell us.

If I were a new investor right now, I would check back in 18-24 months. Forget about the next year and a half. What we have to look forward to is 1000% DILUTION.

And yet, many on this board have Stockholm syndrome about management. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR SHARE HOLDERS. I don't think it could be any clearer in their actions compounded by their MASSIVE EFFICACY STUDY SCREW UP.

Who gives a flying turtle about patents, and employee exchanges, and the future (2,3,4,5 years out). We, as share holders will probably not be around to see it because we will be diluted so far into the hole that if we get 10% of our original investment back, we will be lucky.

This company is, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt. It does not have the cash to survive without dilution. And like any Monopoly game will show you- they will have to sell of their assets to keep going. No one is going to step up and offer all kinds of cash when they can drive this company into the ground and take what it has of value for PENNIES.

I am waiting until January. If nothing happens (which I heartily predict- please take note dreamers). I give your predictions about a 10% shot (and only after a few shots of rum). If this magic merger does not happen, then I am out with whatever losses I took. And that is only because I, like others, were trapped in such a large down draft.

This company is most likely never going to amount to jack squat. They already blew it. There are other opportunities out there. Give it another 3 months and then get out.