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09/08/12 6:00 PM

#26828 RE: DFW #26827

no, nothing to do with this Co (that I know of) and I have followed John Stanton's antics for some time.....he was mostly a Tampa player, but I do recall there was one early stockholder here from that area, the "chaser"....(not his full alias, but those who have been here should realize what I mean)....coincidence, I am pretty sure....

now, for a trip down Mario Lane!!!!

pic #1 in "NCO Beginnings" is a hoot!!!....I assume STANTON office is a coincidence of name vs place only....BTW, love the gut on DOCTOR Mario!!!!!

the only other "connection I see are on old RB posts, where a dude who touted a Stanton Co, IHDR (now RNDR) brought up SVMI several times, for ex:

XXXnatural Post# 2882 Tuesday March 28, 2006 12:44 AM
Replies: 2883,2884,2885,2915

I Am The "Chicken Man" and have ....

returned as XXXnatural. I figured it wouldn't take most of you very long to figure it out. Yes, my tone has changed, hopefully for the better. I actually think (after reading posts on the sidelines for about 10 days or so) I have a new respect for guys such as what truth, Ted, Phantom & others. I'd like to toss (and no Skunk, I'm not referring to being TOS'd by you) a few ideas around to you guys every now and then. I appreciated your opinions today concerning SVMI. I wish I had the engineering background some of you have. Heck, for some help here and there, I'll even toss in a free chicken hat. I've gotta admit, for about 3 days there, poor ol' bucfan got hammered by you guys and at times, I couldn't stop laughing. No offense bucfan, but it was hilarious. I noticed new aliases were popping up left and right and heading straight for you. Sorry I couldn't jump in. Anyways, the new "Chicken Man" is back and Skunk, please don't TOS me again.