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09/02/12 1:27 PM

#26593 RE: flashlight #26592

Why did you post that?

What was your purpose?

A bunch of posts by non-profession grease monkeys explaining why the DV will not work?

This is why I have said ...get the Car Coach to go get us an endorsement from the AAA. They are the ones who have said all these type of devices are scams.


09/03/12 9:03 AM

#26595 RE: flashlight #26592

For Lastay and the flashlight...

I wonder if flashlight even bothered to read the entire thing before posting it...

As for Ice giving it a shot he got banned from their forum and this tells why other than at one point he was resigned to insults by calling someone a monkey boy..

From their forum

Non empirical evidence and data... just Dynovalve Testimonies

[link removed by admin]

There has been more posts added since I had read it last and one of their posters did bring up something I had to think about...

The EPA has laid out a test procedure for determining the effectiveness of devices which claim to save fuel.

Fleet orders don't count as evidence. Testimonials don't count as evidence.

The claims being made for this product are extraordinary, and that's why you're seeing a high level of skepticism here.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

My Question?
Why have we not gotten this EPA test after 4 years...

After reading the filings the answer of no money does not work because the filings show the company has raised several million dollars in the last few years.


Further note:

I spent some time on their web site this time when looking at it and these guys are serious about better gas mileage and some of the stuff there is real interesting...

An old Honda CRX...some guy put a boat-tail on it and got 70 mpg...
lot of aerodynamics in their site...& and other proven ideas.
