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08/29/12 5:51 AM

#3021 RE: BlueBookStockGuide #3020

Great chart Mycroft :-) thank you Superman :-) -

Chart for CALVF looks very bullish as Superman just showed up,
which means a lot of buying going on.

that's right, add the volume on TSE Toronto and @ AIM in London, UK -

Caledonia's major insiders are buying adding more
to their
hard asset treasure chest of Gold bargain -

The company also achieved a supercross, where the 50 day moving
average crossed the 100 day moving average.

the technical & the fundamental Gold production and
earnings are great
God Bless


08/29/12 6:24 AM

#3022 RE: BlueBookStockGuide #3020

$GOLD Chart TA Alert AuBull Breakout Starting -

The fact that the 50-day moving average is still some way
below the falling 200-day also suggests that some more time
is needed before the major uptrend expected gets into full swing.

CALVF Au bargain :-)
God Bless