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10/24/12 9:29 PM

#398 RE: Montanore #397

Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

Ron Paul: “Time For The United States To Panic” ~
Private Rothschild Company To Flood U.S. Bankers
With More Printed Greenbacks!
Oh, And Its Called QE3.

A lot of young people are waking up and will move forward
on the beachhead Ron Paul has established.
There is hope!
God Bless
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11/02/12 11:27 AM

#399 RE: Montanore #397

Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin

'Memo to Central Banks: You’re debasing more than our currency'
Submitted by VR on Fri, 11/02/2012 - 10:49

A History Lesson, by Dylan Grice, Societe Generale

At its most fundamental level, economic activity is no more than an exchange between strangers. It depends, therefore, on a degree of trust between strangers. Since money is the agent of exchange, it is the agent of trust. Debasing money therefore debases trust. History is replete with Great Disorders in which social cohesion has been undermined by currency debasements. The multi-decade credit inflation can now be seen to have had similarly corrosive effects. Yet central banks continue down the same route. The writing is on the wall. Further debasement of money will cause further debasement of society. I fear a Great Disorder.

I am more worried than I have ever been about the clouds gathering today (which may be the most wonderful contrary indicator you could hope for...). I hope they pass without breaking, but I fear the defining feature of coming decades will be a Great Disorder of the sort which has defined past epochs and scarred whole generations.

“Next to language, money is the most important medium through which modern societies communicate” writes Bernd Widdig in his masterful analysis of Germany’s inflation crisis “Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany.” His may be an abstract observation, but it has the commendable merit of being true … all economic activity requires the cooperation of strangers and therefore, a degree of trust between cooperating strangers. Since money is the agent of such mutual trust, debasing money implies debasing the trust upon which social cohesion rests.

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01/13/13 9:37 PM

#403 RE: Montanore #397

Controlled Implosion of Federal Reserve Board and ECB, Continuing Benja

Published on Jan 13, 2013
No description available.
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01/15/13 9:46 PM

#404 RE: Montanore #397

Lawmaker: 'Our dollars are becoming worth less and less'
Published: 1 hour ago


Ron Paul may have retired from Congress, but his dream for
the Federal Reserve to be audited and ultimately abolished
is alive and well.

Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., was a staunch ally of Rep. Paul’s legislation to audit the Fed and is now the lead sponsor of a bill identical to the one that easily passed the House in the 112th Congress.

“I’m an original intent constitutionalist, as was Ron Paul while he was here,” Broun told WND. “We should audit the Fed. Hopefully we get rid of the Fed, and I introduced a bill to do that also.”

Broun said it’s incredible that the public knows virtually nothing about an institution with so much power over our economy.

“Congress has basically abdicated its duty to control money and the monetary supply and control of our money supply as a nation over to this semi-governmental agency that’s not really governmental,” he said. “In reality, we have had no auditing. We have absolutely no idea what they’re doing over there.

“We’ve had this quantitative easing now into the third time, which has been totally unproductive in trying to get our economy going. The Fed housing policy was part of the reason we had the housing bubble and crash. They’re still managing our monetary supply. They’re creating more and more dollars that have no or very little value behind them. Our dollars are becoming worth less and less. As time goes on, they’re going to be worthless.”

He added, “It’s absolutely critical that we audit the Fed so the American people can see what’s going on over there. Do it from top to bottom so that we can have transparency in this entity called the Federal Reserve. Hopefully, the American people will see that we need to go back to the gold standard, which I’ve introduced, and get rid of the Fed.”

The congressman said it’s ridiculous that the only clues we get on Fed actions are in the periodic comments from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

“We see what he says, but we really have no clue how they’re managing our money across the board, how they are dealing with big banks or small community banks. We have no idea what they’re doing in creating monetary policy,” said Broun, who noted that lawmakers don’t even know how much Bernanke and other Fed officials earn in salary or receive in the way of benefits.

The GOP-led House easily approved the bill to audit the Fed in the previous Congress, but Broun lamented that it died on the other side of Capitol Hill.

“The problem is Mr. Obstructionist, Harry Reid, threw it in the trash can over on the Senate side,” he said. “So hopefully we can get the Senate moving on it by getting the American people demanding that we audit the Fed.”

Broun reiterated that his ultimate goal is to abolish the Federal Reserve and return control over monetary policy to Congress. He admits people don’t have much confidence in Congress either, but Broun contends putting Congress in that role at least offers the chance of that power and money ultimately returning to the the states.

“I’m a Marine and I’m fighting for liberty,” he said, “and everything I do up here is fighting for the future of our nation.”

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02/03/13 4:48 PM

#406 RE: Montanore #397

Ron Paul: I'm Waiting for the Fed to Self-Destruct

Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at
the Federal Reserve = to create;


banksters 666 sytem to keep the People as slaves & plunder the US of;


Liberty and their Constitutional Rights -

USD Chart TA LT Make Long Term Trend To A Friend -

USD Fundamental Aspects = made by ponze 666 scheme papers backing =
Against the Constitution and a plot to destroy the American's
Freedom, Liberty and Rights for the People -


Silver mines strategic bargain ex....

GOLD LT Higher lows and Higher Highs - REAL GOLDEN MONEY -

Gold mines strategic bargain ex....
God Bless
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02/12/13 1:09 PM

#407 RE: Montanore #397

JPMorgan bailouts robberies to khazarian kingpins Rothschild and Rockefeller

khazarian 666 symphony blames the Jew but is the khazarian
king pinz of totalitarian 666 dictatorz and NOT of Jewish heritage -

Global Debt And The HUMAN BUBBLE. By Gregory Mannarino

Ron Paul tried to prevent the above -
the nwo 666 rothschild fema-gulags cult pawns was against us People -
God Bless
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02/23/13 3:11 AM

#408 RE: Montanore #397

Bank Fraud in Ten Minutes
Submitted by Lysiandad on Sat, 02/23/2013 - 00:38

Bank Fraud in Ten Minutes

Similar Subjects (Sometimes)
Please Help) Writing Essays/ Articles and Making Videos - Daily Paul 1/31/13
"Off Ledger" Accounts Of The World Bank! Signed By Bernake, Et Al ... 1/23/13
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Cell Phone Education YEEEEEES! 1/3/13
"BITCOIN" posts get no traction here... WHY? 11/27/12
*Update* I'm leaving in ten minutes to chair our county convention ... 3/10/12
Fractional Reserve Banking is Fraudulent... on CNBC ... 1/1/10
God Bless
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08/02/13 6:51 PM

#416 RE: Montanore #397

Rand Paul Rallies Support for His Audit the Fed Bill

On July 29, Senator Rand Paul (shown, R-Ky.) sent a message to
members of the Campaign for Liberty asking for help in a project
very familiar to that organization:

I’ve introduced S. 209, the Audit the Fed bill, and I’m going to
do everything I can to expose the Fed and stop Ben Bernanke’s
economic snake oil “solutions” from wrecking our fragile

Your action today in support of my father’s Campaign for Liberty
will help turn up the heat on my colleagues to pass Audit the

In February, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) offered the Federal
Reserve Transparency Act of 2013, also known as "Audit the Fed.”
The bill would eliminate restrictions on Government
Accountability Office (GAO) audits of the Federal Reserve.
Additionally, the bill would give Congress oversight of the
Fed's credit facilities, securities purchases, and quantitative
easing activities.

"The Fed's operations under a cloak of secrecy have gone on too
and the American people have a right to know what the
Federal Reserve is doing with our nation's money supply," Paul
said in a statement.
"Audit the Fed has significant bipartisan support in Congress
and across the country and the time to act on this is now."

There may be hope that the people’s representatives may actually
finally wrest the reins of federal fiscal policy away from the
unelected, unaccountable governors of the Federal Reserve.

As of the time of writing, Senator Paul's bill, S. 209, has 24
cosponsors in the Senate, including one Democrat, Mark Begich of

In January, a companion measure was offered in the House of
Representatives by Representative Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and
currently has 153 cosponsors.

When it comes to dragging the policies and procedures of the
Federal Reserve into the sunshine of congressional oversight,
Rand Paul comes by it honestly, via fatherly influence.

As recounted on

For the past 30 years, Congressman Ron Paul has worked tirelessly
to bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the
secretive bank.
And in 2009 and 2010 his unfaltering dedication showed
astonishing results:

HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve, swept the
country and made the central bankers shudder at their desks.

The bill passed as an amendment both in the House Financial
Services Committee and in the House itself.

Then, in 2012, his final year in the House, Congressman Ron Paul
reintroduced the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 459), which passed the
House 327-98.

In fact, Representative Broun’s bill currently pending in the
House is a copy of Ron Paul’s bill. In a statement, Broun said
he was fighting the Fed in order to “pick up where Ron Paul left

Now, his son is leading the assault in the Senate.

While the Rand Paul Audit the Fed bill would bring transparency
to the purposely shadowy goings on at the Federal Reserve, what
isn’t so clear is why the Senate has yet to vote on any of the
measures mentioned above.

After Ron Paul’s last attempt to audit the Federal Reserve
handily passed through the House in 2012, Senator Harry Reid (D-
Nev.) blocked the legislation, saying he wouldn’t be comfortable
bringing the matter to the Senate until he’d had a “real serious
conversation” with Fed chairman Ben Bernanke.

Perhaps someone should have a real serious conversation with Reid
about the unconstitutional and unconscionable damage the Federal
Reserve and the shadowy coterie of global bankers that own it
have done to the economic well-being of the United States.

First, the unelected governors of the unconstitutional central
bank have an absolute stranglehold and monopoly over the flow of
our nation’s money and credit.

Not once since its inception in 1913 has there ever been a
thorough audit or an accounting to Congress about its

During its century-long reign over the financial well-being of
our country, the Federal Reserve has manipulated our currency
until it is nearly worthless. Meanwhile, Congress turns a blind
eye and a deaf ear to the crisis and the calls to control it.

The fact is that since that day in 1913, the dollar has lost over
95 percent of its purchasing power.

Most, if not all, of this precipitous decline was caused by the
monetary policy of the Federal Reserve.

The United States of America has been driven to the very edge of
a devastating fiscal cliff by the folly of the Federal Reserve
and the abdication of its authority by an impotent Congress.

Together, these factors add up to $14 trillion in ill-conceived
loans and federal bailouts and a crushing national debt of over
$16 trillion.

Adding insult to injury, during testimony to Congress in 2009,
Bernanke refused to reveal to committee members the names of the
institutions that received trillions of dollars from the Fed.

Later, he told our elected representatives that he would not
disclose the identity of the foreign banks that were parties to
sweetheart deals with the Federal Reserve.

When it comes to the central bank and its machinations, the fix
is in.
The Fed — ostensibly a non-profit organization — owns the mint,
the money, and sets the terms of the loans it makes to the
federal treasury. What’s more, there is no product, there is
nothing being loaned other than worthless paper that can never
be traded in for anything of value because all that is used to
secure the worth of the currency is now owned by the very
bankers who control the Federal Reserve.

In his seminal book, A History of Money and Banking in the United
States, Murray N. Rothbard explained that the international
financial cabal’s impetus to create the central bank was to use
it as a “cartel device to enable the nation's banks to inflate
the money supply in a coordinated fashion, without suffering
quick retribution from depositors or noteholders demanding cash."

It is well known that both Ron and Rand Paul have at times
supported gold as a hard currency alternative to the paper
specie issued (unconstitutionally) by the cartel.

What isn’t as well known, however, is that many members of the
Federal Reserve board have at various times likewise supported
gold as a popular means of exchange.

Rothbard questions the purity of the motives of some economists
and Federal Reserve officials who claim to support a return to
the so-called gold standard.

Rothbard believes that the Fed might back such a move in order to
exercise stricter control over the economy.

Members of the cartel, Rothbard said, “wanted to press on to use
the gold standard as a hard-money camouflage behind which they
could change the system into one less nakedly inflationist than
populism but far more effectively controlled by the big-banker

And the Fed will continue to accumulate power.
There is no limit to the lengths these global bankers will go to
in order to enslave the population of the world.

There is no hope of regulating restraint.

Power of this magnitude operates beyond the reach of regulations.

Treating the tumor will not eradicate this cancer. The entire mass must be cut out.

If we are to restore financial vitality to this country,
Americans must demand that Congress revoke the charter that
created the Federal Reserve and return all the money it has
seized to the people and the market that it has held as
indentured servants for over a century.

Perhaps this is the year that the Fed is called on the carpet.

Perhaps Senator Paul can finally expose its unconstitutional,
undisclosed, disastrous dealings and restore Congress to its
rightful role as representatives of the people.
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10/21/13 11:02 AM

#422 RE: Montanore #397

When the run on the “Bank of the Dollar” begins
in earnest, I expect that the People in this building will fully
live-up to its namesake’s legacy, and that no deception will be
beyond the pale to protect the interests of their firm.

Indeed, one could argue that, from interventions in the Treasury and
currency markets to the suppression of precious metals prices, they
are already heavily engaged in the practices that made
Marriner Eccles reputation.
I seriously doubt, however, that the Chinese or others will be fooled
by their parlor tricks.

Today, the People who go to work at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
walk through the doors of the Marriner Eccles building, a grand
structure named for a man whose reputation was built on
tricking and deceiving People about the genuine risk of
losing their hard-earned life savings... and
the greater the risk, the more elaborate was his
deception to hide it.
Somehow fitting, don’t you think?

fiat currency created by khazarian gypsy king pin Rothschild
banksters 666 cult -
as a slave 666 currency with only air and paper backing it -

beware soon NO ONE want the paper fiat -

The Real Legal Money Tender =
God Bless
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11/02/13 11:53 AM

#423 RE: Montanore #397

IRS collects your taxes and gives it to the Vatican -
Syria actors" by Karen Hudes (World Bank):

World Bank Whistleblower makes Startling Confession -
Karen Hudes #N3 -

Karen Hudes exposes The World Bank.
It is one of the world's largest financial institutions said to
represent 188 nations from around the world. Its stated purpose
focuses on investing in the development of third-world nations and
lending interest-free loans to middle- and low-income countries.

According to the World Bank, there are two goals that have been set
to be achieved by the year 2030. These include decreasing the
amount of people living on less than $1.25 a day to less than 3%
and fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% of every country.

Are these goals sensible for the World Bank to accomplish? And,
more importantly, can they be successfully achieved in the midst
of a significant shift in the global currency market?

To help us break down the global financial giant known as the World
Bank and how you can protect your finances during this seemingly
unstable global market, we are joined by Karen Hudes, who claims
to be a former senior councilwoman at the World Bank.

Next News Network is currently investigating to verify that the
allegations and testimonies made by Karen Hudes are accurate

World Bank Whisleblower~Speaks Out On Corruption -
Karen Hudes ~

The US government shutdown - a temporary ailment or a symptom of a
grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block
Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil?
Do the politicians care about their citizens?
Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system:
Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on
major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.

U S Dollar Loses International Currency Status -
Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness -

Karen Hudes, a former 20 year employee of the World Bank, contends
the U.S. credit rating is on very dubious ground.
Hudes says, "This is actually an underhanded move because they know
the U.S. dollar is going to lose its status as an international
currency." What would that look like to the man on the street?
The media a monopoly controlled by federal reserve priv. owners.
Hudes predicts, "Prices would change on a daily basis.
They would double. The number of families that would be employed
would be in the minority . . . there would be lawlessness."

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former
World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes.

Yes Bro, Some great deals happening now LOAD
UP on gold and silver mines producers -

9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact -

Rand Paul - Audit the Fed (VIDEO)

Ron Paul Questions Why Obama Daughters Haven’t Taken Swine Flu Vaccine (VIDEO)
God Bless
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11/29/13 6:31 PM

#424 RE: Montanore #397

Lawsuit in U.S. District Court accuses the Fed of “embezzling” $7 Trillion from the United States -
God Bless
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11/29/13 7:53 PM

#425 RE: Montanore #397

FED is a printer of fiat currency -

ALL Paper Money 666 Systems Failed -

Gold and Silver is the only form of real money,
as it is the only tangible form of money -
that has survived 5,000 years
of monetary history -

the fiat currency stands for slave currency -

The Day The Fiat Dollar Die -
- a person / or a nation / be bankrupt -
- about the same for all, will be said -

it has happen to all fiats before -
e.g. -
not to long ago to USSR, Zimbawe, Argentina,
Germany etc. btw. -

Gold & Silver have replaced every fiat currency
for the past 3000 years -

history often repeat itself
the Swedish currency have become worthless eleven times
since the viking time 1000 yrs ago -
so its not just the Russian ruble, german mark and zimbabwe
fiat currency become worthless its a way for governments
when the national debt become to large they print a new
fiat currency and start over after bankruptcy just like
a person going bankrupt and start over again -
recently Detroit declare bankrupcy and most cities and
states with follow the economist tells us -
God Bless

fed fiat currency is a fraud poncy scheme -

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12/07/13 7:27 PM

#427 RE: Montanore #397

US financial crisis - Fed Trapped by Money Printing - Paul Craig -

America Economic Collapse - Fed Has Destroyed The US Economy! We Have No Futures! -

9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve (VIDEO)

You Have to Listen to This to Believe It!!!
God Bless
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12/08/13 4:05 PM

#428 RE: Montanore #397

Let The Fed Drop Money Into Your
Bank Account Instead Of Raining It Down On The Rich
The Fed could be an institution that
serves all the people, not just the 1%.
By Ellen Brown

Disgrace of USA - Ozama supporters will go hysterical
over any list but here is;
462 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
few ex. vs. a full list would not even fill a big book? -
God Bless
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12/25/13 8:57 PM

#429 RE: Montanore #397

“If America Doesn’t ABOLISH The FED, The FED Will ABOLISH AMERICA” | G. Edward Griffin
December 23rd, 2013

God Bless
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06/03/14 1:49 PM

#433 RE: Montanore #397

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02/04/15 5:15 AM

#437 RE: Montanore #397

Currency destruction’. Its mandate is to protect the US dollar. Instead it
is destroying the value of the dollar, by increasing its supply.

This chart courtesy Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows the US FED is involved in ‘currency destruction’. Its mandate is to protect the US dollar. Instead it is destroying the value of the dollar, by increasing its supply.

To measure the loss in purchasing power of the US dollar you are invited to visit

According to Ayn Rand, “Determine what is best for the government, and know that is exactly what the ‘powers that be’ are working to make happen. Inflation is what is best for a government with enormous debt.”

While we invest to protect our nest egg against inflation, by owning gold
and silver, we are aware that when the commercial gold and silver dealers
are heavily ‘net short’ in the futures market, they will spend hundreds of
millions of dollars MORE, in the form of futures contracts, in an effort
to drive the price down so that the previous short positions can be
When the futures market becomes a casino, without honest supervision (as
now), the entity with the deepest pockets can control the price (in the
short run).

They can do this until the demand for physical gold forces them
to finally run for cover.

thanks, how about five years of secret pass to work????? -
well, how about ex. all children born in US to the secret pass
the children autom. become a US person -
who has rights to sponsor in family -
a secret pass holder - will they have the same rights? -

Rothschild payed everything for his relative -
Adolph Hitler to be elected and carry out the wars to
unite - nwo - EURO -

same thing happen in North America to unite -
US, Canada and Mexico - NWO -

later its more easy to unite EURO and North America to establish
-- NWO --

to make one NWO -
the country of the world with a khazarian king pin
at the top -

the dream to make the Rothschilds dream to make the khazarian empire -
- NWO -

NWO to rule the world become closer to be fulfilled? -

WWI - WWII - WWIII - to make NWO - #1 - the only #1 -
the world - NWO - One country -

How many more wars is it going to be - to make one
king 666 pins dream - to be fulfilled? -

God Bless