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08/27/12 2:09 PM

#183006 RE: PegnVA #182998 need to point out the faults of the Repubs...they are a mess and getting worse each election. I have served locally and no longer do...they are no longer interested in putting forward the best candidate at the local level. It is all about $$$ to play...basically came right out and said it. If you are willing to put up sufficeint $$$ an endorsement is all but locked up provided your background is clean. A little more $$$ would probably clear trhat up too. In my area...the endorsed Rep is a much for competition.

I imagine the federal seats gets much more expensive....however...I am quite certain the Dems work the same way. How can someone represent you and I?? They represent themselves and the party that assures their re-election.

In PA they are quite worried about Obama...the house chair was stupid enough to basically come out and state that voter ID would assure Romney victory. How fucking stupid can one get?? Yet this guy is untouchable.....