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08/22/12 11:20 PM

#54396 RE: akgoldminor #54395

I agree with your assessment AK. Brendan, maybe you should buy back your shares now and only lose your transaction fees for selling and buying back. As for me, hanging in there with my rowboat load.


08/22/12 11:31 PM

#54398 RE: akgoldminor #54395

Thinking out loud again...
What is this required 20 day halt in trading? I've never experience that. I however have had my shares unreadable as the new shares get converted, but the stock trades freely in the meantime.

Example is EPG* (just lost the D today). They r/s 1/10 and the stock traded that day. And consequently rose 500% from pre r/s levels of .0001 (though full disclosure would be it did close and convert at .0002)

My thought process is more like 567 (though he may have said was wrong, I kinda missed it) where all the share holders who hold through the r/s has their shares unavailable and the raining shares in the float become super thin with the minuscule share structure then literally (but mostly figuratively) move on air.

So given this perspective, I'd trade my above statement out with yours and the continue along with your reasoning for similar results.

Unless of course I am wrong an there really is a required 20 day halt of trading for all shares.

Again some meaning (less) dribble.


08/23/12 12:55 AM

#54410 RE: akgoldminor #54395

AK--just love your Point-by-point scenarios. So easy to read and
I agree almost 100%---will add more later when am more prepared.:)

I think this RS is the best thing that has happend to CGFIA D in years. Hopefully the selling debacle will be ended and the co can take control again, I have lost over 80% of my 4 year investment
but IMO it will come back with a vengence.

Hopefully-we as a company will take control and not let us just get eaten to death by shorters/and dilution (which had to occur to pay the bills) There is no way 60 billion shares -with everyone wanting 0.0001 could go anywhere--now with 5.7MILLION and can goto 7 mil with maybe aquistitions--that is great!!

I am a pro pro pro pronent of the RS......we were stuck in the mud and would never get out--this share restructuring should do the ticket and get rid of a lot of issues.

those of you that KNOW---as always-the price will plummett may be in for one DAMN big supprise. Guyer did this RS to get value back again....we traded at 0.0001 for years and nothing--was BS
Now maybe we have a chance to get her going as in PPS

I am with you AK all the way and I really like the post scenario
listed out with what you think will happen I agree too

Stay long--do not sell your shares--buy more if you want -I am
OK with where i am.

Greatest of luck to all and watch this baby unfold---will be like
most have never seen IMO and it will be OK for me

Thanx AK---later my friend Grizzzzzzzz


08/23/12 1:18 AM

#54414 RE: akgoldminor #54395

i still say she looks tooo young to be yer wife, daughter maybe, but not yer wife... <S> heres to living right.


08/23/12 1:29 AM

#54415 RE: akgoldminor #54395

Sure, put me under a deadline!!
My wife says I do my best cooking when I'm under pressure, so I will try my best! Maybe we should call the new recipe "D' Grog"?
She also says I win more money at the casino when I'm under pressure, and she is correct.
So how can I lose?
I like the time line too, AK. It seems like there is a good reason to tie up the sale of CGFI stock while the dry stack impound area is being worked on. That would be really smart!

If your time line comes close to the real happenings, you may have a future reading palms or bumps on people's heads!

Ops Man

08/23/12 10:12 AM

#54437 RE: akgoldminor #54395

I like it!
I totally agree, but somewhere around #5-#7 we need stock splits because...What can we do with a meezly 7M shares?

I see splits before dilution.


08/23/12 5:37 PM

#54499 RE: akgoldminor #54395

Ak, I sure hope you are right on #5, with what I will have left sharewise after the R/S, it will have to hit $10 per just to break even over the last 5 years. Not thrilled, but am still on board.