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08/20/12 10:23 PM

#35742 RE: ocroft #35740

The Ocroft Challenge :-)

AIM Uptrend, applying an application that works, has a cash reserve of $10,000.

AIM Uptrend?. . . What system is that?

In regards to the system you described you had, I thought, 20000 in cash at the bottom of 41, the way it appeared to me . . .from memory. . .you would not buy anything at the start and would wait for a drop and then a recovery. That is the problem with verbal examples. . .the reader must make interpretations.
It was never clear to me if you actually bought 10000 worth of equity at the start(Day1)

Again, I didn't propose this scenario, but I have already out performed Vortex by knowing and then applying an application that works.

OK, who then Is the Fiend that started all this? :-)

Anyway. . .This is getting to the bone that is to be chewed on. You are comparing specific AIM and Vortex examples on a case in which Clive gave his version, to your AIM with a Filter(What is the name of your System? Refresh my memory svp). . .Any one of us can apply a filter too. . . and if it is the same Filter we would have also Reserve =10000 at a price of 41 like AIM Uptrend. These discussions about filters are old ones.

AIM dofusdaddy link.

I do not recognize this. . .hold on. . I will open it. . .Huh? I see a zillion zeros. . .Never seen this site before. Too time consuming to get into it now.

37.01 -32.70 - 30.70 - 26.69 - 28.29 - 28.10 -25.50
19.51 -17.17 - 16.20 - 12.13 - 8.51 -10.11.
Please propose a scenario that would work best for Vortex, I am curious to see how I would fare.

I do not quite get it. Here we can look into the future and you suggest that with the 20000 to start with, and using use a Filter of my choosing, we will compare results?

I will give it a shot but not right now. . .it is past 4:25 AM and the hay is calling :-)

I propose that on this run, knowing the future, I will optimise the system for these prices. Would you say that is OK? The point here is that Vortex does not have a Standard Version. All the parameters are variables.

In the Vortex case with the Reserve at 5746(as you said it was) at the Bottom that was special case with the purpose to Match the Standard AIM First Buy after having invested 10000 at Day 1. For example if St. AIM would have a Buy2 @ 80 of 1200 then I adjusted the Vortex Parameters so as to get a Buy at 80 of 1200. That was the only way to make a comparison with AIM so that we both had an identical start condition.

In this case you propose now this is not a condition. If you would tell me what the magnitude is of your Buy1 is at the start at Day 1 and then what your Buy 2 is thereafter, I could Match you that way and compare, and see what happens for these prices.

On the other hand if you let me decide on everything on my own then I optimise the Run. . .Is that OK with you?



08/24/12 7:43 PM

#35747 RE: ocroft #35740

Ocroft, just for Fun.
I have used your GE prices as provided. As I said with having knowledge of the prices I could have bought at price = 8.51 with a 1000 Reserve.

At that point the Buy Advice for Vortex at Zero Aggression was $ 7701.55 but I did not execute it. I executed it at 10,11 which is an 18.8% Recovery. I Bought 761.755 shares for the amount of $7701.55 10
For that date the Portfolio stood at:

Initial Buy @ 37,10 = 10000....270.1972 Shares Jan 2, 2012

End Condition 01-02-2013
Value @ price = 10.11 = 10433.24. . . .1031,9727 Shares
Reserve = 2298.45
Profit = -7268,30
PV = 12731,70
PC= 10433.24

The accumulated buy @ 7701,55 at Zero Aggression could well have been have been 10000 if I had used a little higher aggression for the buying, so the result would be thee same as you would have done(as discussed). However, with 2298,45 Reserve now it would be possible to continue buying if the price dropped again significantly and IF I had still faith in that stock I just might do that, like you probably might. . .A good stock is good to buy at low prices!

On the other hand when the price recovery continues I would not sell all at 20% profit but I would sell a portion of it.

I suppose what I have done here is the essence of your method. . reight?