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08/18/12 9:38 PM

#35731 RE: Conrad #35729

Hi Conrad

Again a misunderstanding

>>>4) If a stock reverses and goes back down, you wait again to purchase more till it goes up.

Unless, of course, at the First Bottom (+ Hick-Up at the Buy Point) all the Reserve Money has been used up for buying. . .or that may have happened at the 2nd or 3rd Bottom(+Hick-Up). Eventually if the stock keeps dropping and recovering with a buy resulting at every hick-up then for every man there comes a point he can not or want not to buy more. . . and then comes the time to either Bail Out or to hope for a Recovery in the future. . .At such points Algorithms are of little use and a Judgement Call will have to be executed.

5) You wait to sell anything till it goes down from a high instead of selling along the way.

People on this Forum . . .would all have a bone or two to pick on this Wait to Sell at the Bottom ???? It’s much better to Buy at the Bottom . . .unless one is Bailing Out <<<<<

RE: 4) Regular AIM would run out of cash much sooner. You are not going all in at the first buy, just what AIM would have directed.

RE: 5) You are NOT selling at a low you are waiting for it to go up and delaying your sell till the stock pulls back a bit. The reverse of his buy rules. So you are pretending you are selling and when it drops back to your last buy point you do a delayed AIM directed sell. So if it goes from 50 to 100 and then pulls back maybe you do your sell as it pulls back to 90.
