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08/17/12 10:13 PM

#139686 RE: ColeThornton #139685

Why can't mgmt answer the hard questions ?

1> Who are you buying the blimp from for blimp in a box ?

2> Where is the PROOF there's a NAVAL contract, when will there be revenues from it ? Why didn't you provide the contract number ? Why the ambiguity ?

3> The premier emergency response organization ? WTF ? Revenues or a gimme ?

4> Why has WSGI NOT applied for approval to do business with the Federal Government ? you've been in business for over a decade and been touting government interest for years and years.

5>What percentage of total sales through GTC actually go to WSGI ?

many more ......

Oh yeah one more question ? Why, since wsgi's core function is research and development, did you spend more money on penny stock promo's than you did on actual r&d per your last 10Q ?
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08/17/12 10:26 PM

#139687 RE: ColeThornton #139685

Thank you, Cole. This was the most sincere post I have seen from you. I sensed that it wasn't cut and paste repetition and I appreciate that. Here is my pledge--I will try to get a visit to Easton in the next 4-6 weeks and look at both platforms. I will give you my honest evaluation of them on this board without revealing proprietary information. I'll get you some Easton airport shots or something more to subdue the conspiracy theory temptation. If you are good with Google you should already know who I am and that I am who and what I have claimed to be.

I don't want billion dollar Russian networks or Stratellites that glow at dawn and dusk. I want to build LTA from the ground up in a way that helps warfighters and first responders and maybe some decent folks in a few troubled countries. Wouldn't mind squeezing some big money out of some fat oil companies. If WSGI has 1/4th what they claim in GTC capability, Argus One and BIB, IMO we can do something with it. Why try to burn it to the ground if something can be redeemed?

I don't expect to have trouble getting an Easton visit. My hope is any shareholder could. I am a little more than a shareholder but let's lobby for a culture that would let shareholders have that kind of access. I have seen conspiracy theory mania in the archaeological world and the only way to dispel it I have found is serious, sober and open scholarship. That I can promise you. And courteous respect. Sincere best wishes, Indy