China-America Bridge Program Call: China Source, Wanxiang America,
Mike Schaal, General Manager
The Wanxiang America-China Bridge program is designed to get American Companies past the red tape, mis-understanding, and bureaucratic snags which are still all-to-common in China. With it's stature as a leading independent business in China and the advantage of a strong American presence, Wanxiang is uniquely suited to be of service to American firms seeking trade in China.
Wanxiang provides full import and export services to customers in the U.S.A. Make your deal with an American corporation, using American contracts in the English language, using American dollars. All contracts guaranteed by Wanxiang America Corporation.
Current Purchasing Requirements: Export to China:
1. Wet Blue Hides
2. Salted Hides
3. Crust Hides
4. Soybeans
Current Import Opportunities: Import to U.S.A.
1. Automotive and Small engine Spark Plugs
2. Furniture and Other home Products
3. Small Appliances