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08/01/12 10:44 PM

#43432 RE: niuyuer #43431

The company is producing positive results with continuous results. New deals, 2 divisions about to be released, and a great CC that showed a positive outlook and very professional officials talking about each individual company in detail. This in itself will bring up the PPS. I am in constant talks with the CEO via email and believe me when I say, I am not worried. This is the beginning of ECDC's breakthrough. You can't stop growth! The PPS will catch up to the company's value in pennyland. They have proven growth and the results are in black and white in websites, 8Ks, deals, and the 10K from last year as well. Remember 10Q's determine small movements in the company but the largest sign of growth is a 10K which is the average of the year as a whole. Good luck and the CEO is taking this company and the shareholders to the top!

Remember too, there is one huge sign that people overlook here. I will not say it because, as some call themselves, the 'experienced traders' have not even mentioned it. This sign guarantees the PPS to increase. The CEO is a smart man and will make this company succeed. You don't produce multiple deals worldwide and two large deals at home in a single year if you are not growing.