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07/30/12 7:59 AM

#48326 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Nicely posted W48. I look forward Today, to my communication with Jay Srivatsa (Managing Director of Equity Research) of Chardan Capital Markets, LLC. There is some good stuff on the horizon!


07/30/12 8:08 AM

#48327 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Thanks again William48. How high do you see ASYI price after the merger? Thanks in advance.


07/30/12 8:14 AM

#48328 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Please sticki. Great Post W48, hope to light your first cigar upon completion with one of my $100 bills.


07/30/12 8:17 AM

#48329 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Simply brilliant...pls sticky W48 post...


07/30/12 8:28 AM

#48330 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Pretty obvious to me that these guys would know what they're doin! Nice post William. Stickied!


07/30/12 8:35 AM

#48331 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

LOL First you need to point out one single bit of solid proof that these people ever mentioned the slightest hint of being interested in ASYI. That fantasy was created right here and equates to nothing and came from the same hopeless speculation that naked shorting and PIPE financing came from. Lets not forget that there is also speculation that the merger attempts were a stock selling scheme suggested by some alluding to this baseless triangle theory so even positive speculation is pointing toward corruption that the SEC should be looking into. If that is true than this joke of a company goes bye bye and everybodys shares goes with it.

If relentless warning of no cash, no revenue, no product, deep debt, creditors pounding on the doors, closing offices, selling assets, disgusting 10Q and 10K filings that mentioned dilution existing and likely continuing, possible total shut down of the company and then we have 2 failed merger attempts plus what some see as MASSIVE SHARE VOLUME BEING DUMPED INTO THE MARKET then ..... you can ignore those posts if you wish but everybody should be aware of that information. New people should be well aware as to what is going on. Hey, if it was stickied maybe it wouldn't get reposted!


07/30/12 8:52 AM

#48333 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

$.0003+ EOW~~



07/30/12 9:40 AM

#48339 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Please sticky william48's post


07/30/12 11:27 AM

#48368 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

This is why we should LOAD UP$$$$$. Great DD.


07/31/12 4:40 AM

#48540 RE: FORTY-8 #48325

Great post, Bud~

..thanks for all your superb DD!


To all who don't believe that it'll happen...

You don't believe that a triangular reverse merger will take place here; and for a host of reasons which you have repeatedly, and relentlessly warned us about.

If YOU’RE correct in all that you say…

That is: if you are right that (1) ASYI’s present filing status (shell vs. no shell) would not permit it to engage in a merger with GCS; or that (2) ASYI’s presumed lack of audited financials would further mean that ASYI would be prohibited from engaging in such a transaction; or that (3) ASYI is so hopelessly debt-ridden as to make any such merger an impossibility; or that (4) it has engaged in a toxic financing that has invariably led to a ‘death spiral’; or that (5) MKHD and GSC shareholders would not agree to such a course of action …

That then means that the following professionals and institutions are ALSO WRONG, as they are – as we communicate – laboring to bring about the successful conclusion of this triangular double reverse merger … which will only meet with the ultimate rejection by the SEC and/or private investors who had been tempted to invest:


1. The vaunted Mergers & Acquisitions law firm, of Anslow & Jaclin, which is shamelessly touted by the SEC to be one of the best and most knowledgeable in the field of reverse mergers (a law firm who just so happens to be retained by both ASYI and MKHD); and

2. The Certified Public Accountancy firm of Michael T. Studer, who are (and continue to remain) the accountants and auditors of ASYI; and

3. Source Capital Group, who are the ‘powerhouse’ investment bankers retained by Global Converge Solutions to (presumeably) charge them an arm and a leg to be involved in the ultimate outcome of this merger transaction; and

4.Chardon Capital Markets, LLC, which is yet another powerhouse investment banking firm, but this one has been retained by MKHD to act as a “financial advisor” in the MKHD/GCS transaction; and

5. Merus Capital, which is ASYI’s very first venture investor, who presently holds over $10,000,000.00 of its stock (which it purchased when it was trading at 50 cents or so; and

6. Dynamic Intelligence LLC, which is a quasi-hedgefund, and also ASYI’s sole controlling sharholder, owning approximately 4.9% of its stock (prior to May 2012; and

7. James D. Beatty (who has spent 40 years in the financial industry, structuring and then closing on hundreds of complex financial transactions, including reverse mergers); and

If you and all the others who, for a host of reasons, repeatedly say that this transaction will not and cannot go to a closing … THEN EACH OF THE ABOVE ENTITIES, INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIALLY SOPHISTICATED INDIVIDUALS IS … SIMPLY WRONG; AND THEY WERE ‘WRONG’ FROM THE GET-GO.

Despite the tidal wave of professional malpractice claims that could arise from their mistakes, each of their professional reputations would now be subject to some SERIOUS scruntiny by their peers and colleagues.

Question: Do you really think that the professionals involved in this trade would lead their respective clients 3 to 4 months into a financial transaction … only to discover that the transaction could not be done; or was impractical; or indeed even illegal?