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07/27/12 7:35 PM

#183 RE: ErnieBilco #182


your wisdom is a sigh of relief.

I originally got in at 1.22 almost a month ago. From there, after a week, it just kept tanking and tanking (like its doing now). I finally read a few things to where it was going to keep going, so I said "just cut your losses and move on". So I got out at 1.02.

Another week went by and it shot past 2.50. I can't tell you how much I was kicking myself.

After another week or so went by, it finally did the official BK and tanked. I saw it go as low as the .18s and then a day or so later, it jumped 60%. I said "ok, its bottom, now you can get back in and make your money back you lost, and maybe get lucky and make a little bit more". Once again,not setting my sights on being greedy, but just trying to get back what I lost with a little bit extra.

I got in at .26. It took awhile to get in, but I got in and thought that was the bottom. From there, well, now you see where it is.

I know what my mistake was. It was I went all in with everything I had at .26. I should have taken part of my money and got in at .26. If it goes down, go in a little bit again. And keep doing that (reload after every .05 or so). I see you also mentioned doing that. I should have done that, but I lost sight that this was going to keep going down. I really thought this baby was finally going to bounce up and thought .26 was a good entry point

So that being said, my "avg" price is .31 (if you take the shares I bought at 1.22 and got out at 1.02 and what I bought at .26).

Another reason why I'm thinking twice about getting out is because I really haven't given it much time. I've only been in this for almost 2 weeks.

Like you, I will definitely follow your great advice. Get out at certain points when it goes up and if it keeps going up, then get out here and there and not get caught up in too much greed. If I get lucky and double my money, then I will count that as a win and may not want to push my luck for it to reach $1. It would be awesome if it did.

So I'm going to keep on doing that, and try not to sweat it.

thanks so much for you kindness and help.