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07/27/12 10:58 AM

#139737 RE: coal2 #139734

BBDA being number one in brand recognition does not mean everyone in the world knows about it. It only means more people know about BBDA than the number two company. Because this is still a relatively new market with incredible growth potential, BBDA still needs to invest heavily in marketing not only to succeed, but to remain ahead of the competition.

The same applies for Coca-Cola, Nike, etc. Just because they're number one doesn't mean the game is over. In fact, they invest more in marketing than anyone else to remain number one and possibly gain even more market share.


07/27/12 11:00 AM

#139739 RE: coal2 #139734

Patience grasshopper...patience. :)

First rule of business.."you have to spend money to make money." With a growing company like Bebevco, saturation marketing is key. You can have the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it, you're screwed. This is even more apparent in the cut throat beverage industry. An extremely tough nut to crack, believe me...I know. Was a nightclub/beverage manager for years. It takes a lot of $$ to get the word out with new beverage products....i.e.,giving away free samples, sponsorships, etc., charity events, T n A girls, etc. Its what is done in this industry to become successful. Believe me, the money being spent now on product awareness/marketing will come back 100 fold in due time. PATIENCE!