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09/17/05 5:35 PM

#429 RE: deathtotaxes #428


I don't disagree that it is a "relatively" minor story. But, the credibility of the NYTimes is a valid issue - especially in these politically charged times.

Rivera may have a big ego. Nobody can deny that. I doubt he would deny it. But, he also has a big heart IMO. As a reporter (with an accompanying cameraman), he is going to be near the action at all times. I suspect that he wanted to dive in every chance he got to help. Maybe grandstanding a little, but if he is providing help, who cares?

As to O'Reilly, I agree. I also used to watch him. I finally gave up on him well before his sexcapades. I just couldn't take how biased he was. Not ALWAYS biased toward conservatives (although usually), but just biased in general. He enetered every single conversation with an agenda. He never listens, he only talks. He interrupted CONSTANTLY. I got sick of listening to him. I was SHOCKED that he was able to retain his job after that fiasco. If that doesn't show you how desperate FOX is to keep their agenda alive, NOTHING DOES! The only person worse than him is Rush Limbaugh - the single most unobjective person I have ever heard on television. Fortunately, they booted him off TV and only onto radio now.
