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09/22/05 7:54 PM

#444 RE: lentinman #429


I came here looking for the survey on the price of oil you talked about on the main board. What I find is a discussion of O'Reilly and Jerry Rivers (his real name).

So let me put in my 2 cents worth. I agree that O'Reilly is a real bore. His interrupting speakers is annoying and his calling all of the women guests "madam" borders on condescendion. The sex scandal of his was overblown, imo. It sounded to me as those there was some licentious talk that was the result of after hours boozing in restaurants. My guess is that the poor girl had a thing for him and it fed his ego, which he loved, so he talked dirty, she responded with attention, and there was a vicious cycle that got him in the end. O'Reilly has admitted to being into disco dancing when it was the rage and he was pretty old when he finally tied the knot. Sounds like he was quite the playboy. Whatever the situation with the sex-harassment accuser, I think that he migh thave been the not-so-innocent victim of a shakedown. Just my opinion. I wasn't there.

Now Geraldo. I can sum him up in a few words-- a big joke. He is an attention addict, and the N.Y. Times business was like feeding dope to a junkie. He loved it. Once the N.Y. Times accusation hit the streets, he went from one Fox program to another whining. The man probably has a big picture of his face painted on his bedroom ceiling so the first thing that he sees in the morning is himself.

Geraldo is a waste of airwaves. At least O'Reilly accomplishes good deeds every now and then. I like what he did in the Jessica Lunsford case--going after the human garbage that harbored the perpetrator. Don't forget, that subhumanoid buried the poor child alive, and the State's Attorney did not want to go after the accomplices. Unbelieveable. O'Reilly went on a crusade to bring them to justice. I don't know that he succeeded, but he sure tried hard.

I guess that was more like 4 cents' worth!


Just my 2 cents. So where's the survey? I want to vote for $50 a barrel.
