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07/19/12 11:35 PM

#4937 RE: NukeJohn #4917

"Turn Back the Clock with Anatabloc"

The slogan in the new Freddie Couples commercial is "Turn Back the Clock with Anatabloc". That is exactly what Anatabloc has done for me. My body functions like it did when I was in my 20's...and I am now in my 50's. I'm sure we will need a few dozen peer reviewed clinical trials before the world believes what I believe. What do I believe? I believe Anatabloc is like a Fountain of Youth. If you are over 40 and haven't tried ought to give it a try for at least a month and see what differences you notice.

When the Anatabloc skin cream is available, I expect the early adopters will see a miraculous reduction in wrinkles and age spots....and word will spread like wildfire.

What would be really be interesting is to start some double blind studies on how Anatabloc might increase life spans.