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07/18/12 2:07 PM

#138005 RE: imjustpete #138001

If the CEO was just running a scam, why would he go through all of the trouble of procuring Race Cars, Drivers, Magazine Ad's , trade shows, on and on and on

from mr. webers' own mouth, racing is what he loves and he will do whatever it takes to be involved with it. even if it means an attempt at running a beverage company. so, everything he does is in support of his "racing desire". mr. weber made such comments, not me. i'm just repeating what he said a few years back.


07/18/12 4:03 PM

#138044 RE: imjustpete #138001

Unlike some other pinkies that have done racing sponsoring, BW did not have the stock ticker placed on the car.