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gophie 17

07/11/12 5:16 PM

#202527 RE: fd1626 #202526

Thank You for your service to our country, It is too bad that the individuls involved would not hire you back. What they did to you by not giving you your position back following your deployment, was illegal, immoral and speaks of the quality and integrity that these idiots used for the life of EI.

EI never had would have succeded with the stooges running the show, your story just shows how corupt they were.

Best of Luck to you in the future

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07/11/12 8:57 PM

#202530 RE: fd1626 #202526

Thank you for your honest aboveboard legitimate efforts with Eternal Image. It sure had to be a conflict at times to see this unfold knowing the ethical conduct you concretely follow in your chosen profession that extends into everything else you do. That's far and few between in present day times. With the Eternal Image gang as a prime example; there's no limit what some will do when it comes to a buck.

When EI PR'd their USMC license it really made my stomach turn when Clint stated how honored the company was to represent the Corp. Honor should never be thrown around like a bean bag. One can be assured the EI dirtbags have no sense or meaning of honor. Especially when it comes to capitalize on our armed forces.

Best Regards

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07/12/12 7:50 PM

#202537 RE: fd1626 #202526

How long did you actually do “work” for EI?
As I recall, you were deployed at the time you were hired.
Perhaps you should have pursued action against the company. (and maybe you still should).
“my doing so would only have damaged the company (and certain creditors) even further.” GOOD!

The company needed to be exposed back then, and it didn’t happen. Although, there were people here trying to expose these slime bags.
This would have signaled and alerted the investing community to problems. Once you were not hired back you could have exposed these people and their character. Even now, you are not critical of Clint and Mom and Nick. Do you still communicate with them?

Only now, you appear and express regret to people who lost money to these low lifes. How much of your own money did you actually lose? 10’s of thousands, like some here?

Maybe, you could do better next time.