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09/14/05 12:51 AM

#625 RE: Hector777 #623

First of all, I have been trading the market for approximately 30 years. I am not new at this.

Secondly, pinks offer insiders a lot of ways to dump stock. Maybe you are the one that needs to take a few lessons. Dreaming about the Ferraris and Hummers you are going to buy while you own one of these speculative stocks is a good way to lose your bearings fast.

You are a pumper of the greatist magnitude. No matter how ridiculous the company's claims, you attack anyone who voices genuine concerns that a total neophyte would see. I am seriously beginning to believe that you may be paid to be here and that your "long position" in this stock is a lie or you would be much more concerned than you act...unless your game is to hope you can get someone else to buy your shares so you can get the heck out of dodge.

This board is supposed to be about discovovering the ins and outs of a company but you attack anyone who puts up a chart that looks slightly negative or tells the truth about the site (which really is starting to suck big time. I can hardly get the freaking thing to load and I'm not alone in that either.)

In short, you are a long's worst enemy. To listen to you one would think this stock has been on a hayride higher while the truth is it is getting dumped hard daily. I'm getting fed up with your BS.

If you don't like waht I say then put me on ignore. Otherwise, I am not putting up with your attacks anymore without calling a spade a spade, jack.