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07/02/12 1:58 AM

#4679 RE: Pro-Life #4678

Item 1. Someone has apparently been accumulating CIGX.
Item 2. It also appears that sales of Anatabloc may be ramping up rapidly at GNC.

So if you are a GNC insider who knows how popular Anatabloc is and how fast sales are growing, do you buy more GNC stock or start accumulating CIGX? In their shoes, I think I would be accumulating CIGX. Of course that assumes Anatabloc sales at GNC really are that good...
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07/02/12 7:18 AM

#4680 RE: Pro-Life #4678

That's great news to hear and it is confirmation of what I have heard in my GNC store visits.

In my estimation, we now have over 4000 GNC stores carrying Anatabloc and the associates are now incentivized to push the product. I think we will start seeing a marked difference now when we go in GNC stores, as over 10,000 GNC Sales Associates will be pushing Anatabloc.

If you visit a store, I encourage you to hand out Persyst's list of ailments that Anatabloc has successfully treated. These came from personal testimonies where people have posted on the internet that Anatabloc (or CIGRx) gave them relief. Here is his list.



Beneficial anatabine results reported by people who have tried CigRx and or Anatabloc. They have been collected from the Star Scientific Yahoo message board, from respective facebook pages or submitted to me via email.

All submitters are kept confidential

I'm sure it's not the complete list. Since March 2010

ADD relief
aches and pains usually associated with aging
adhesive capsulitis in the glenohumeral joint
age related macular degeneration
Age spots fade/disappear
alcohol drinking urge cessation
allergy relief
Alzheimer Disease
anger management aid
anti depressant
anti-inflammatory support
appetite suppressant/controlled
arthritic knuckles pain relief
Asthma NF-KB
Atrial Fibrillation
attention deficiencies
autoimmune dermatitis
auto immune hives
back pain
bakers cysts
bedroom stamina
benign prostatic hyperplasia
bilateral chronic shoulder tendonitis
blood pressure relief
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
Breathing Aid
cancer bladder
cancer remissions of life-threatening cancers
canker sores stopped
Celebrex replacement, goodbye side effects
cervical arthritis
cholesterol lowering
chronic lumbosacral pain
cold sore swelling stopped
complexion aid
concentration support
Crestor "serious bad reaction" relief
crohns disease
CRP lowered
Curbed my desire for sugar
Cured my left arm from falling asleep every time I rested it on anything.
Dermatitis Autoimmune
dipping cessation
Disc Extrusion relief
Dog pain (beware caffeine)
dream attitude improved
drug use cessation
eczema healing
edema relief
energy enhanced
Eosinophilia and eosinophilic folliculitis
erectile dysfunction
eye healing
eye therapy
feelings of general overall well-being
finger nail growth enhanced
focus better (study, home work)
food allergies relief
Foods that I wasn’t too fond of now taste better and I eat better but I don’t over eat.
foot callous and inflammation relief
gum health
hair grows faster/thicker
hangover remedy
hay fever symptoms have disappeared
healthy eating support
hearing improved from meniere's disease
heart attack prevention
hip bursitis pain
Improved my quality of sleep and my dreams
inflamation reduced
Inflamed foot
inhibits inflammation and the accumulation of amyloid in the brain.
interstitial cystitis
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
iron overload cessation (hemachromotsis?)
joint pain
knee swelling
manages CRP and inflammation
memory improved
menstrual pains relief
mental focus
minor swelling
muscle soreness preventative
nails grow faster
old ACL repair pain
osteo arthritis
osteoarthritis of the neck
oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin improvement
premature ejaculation aide
prescription drug( Oxy) tapering
panic attacks
prostate relief
quality of life
rash cessation
Reactive Airway Disease
reduced need for NSAIDS
Relieves ankle swelling
Relieves sore muscles after doing yard work.
Rheumatoid arthritis
sex libido
rosacea at bay
rotator cuff pain relief
sciatica problems
sinus relief
skin bumps, bruises, scraps, cuts, nicks, etc. all heal faster with less irritation
skin care
skin lesions/moles
skin improvement/rejuvenation/youthful
sleep apnea
Sleep better
smell sense improved
smoking cessation
Sports injury relief
STD more controlled
stress relief
sugar and sweets desire curbed
taste sense improved
teeth sensitivity relief
thought process is faster
thyroid fibrosis cessation
thyroid inflammation
tingleing sensation reduced/gone
trigger finger
toe nail rehab/growth correction
Ulcerative Colitis
urge to eat cessation
valtorol replacement
varicose veins
variety of pains
weight loss
work out recovery