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06/29/12 4:57 PM

#65176 RE: dandy4951 #65117

Dandy, please run the A/F numbers for us so we can see exactly how the ratios are affected by injecting a liter of HH over the time period quoted by PD. I think attaching a hydrogen bottle with 100 cu. ft. (compressed) to the intake manifold and controlling the flow would last years at the advertised hydrolysis rate. 100 cu. ft in a bottle costs about $60. Think I'll hook one up to my Odyssey. If it works I'll PM you....don't want HLNT to crash...too much fun reading these posts.


06/30/12 2:29 PM

#65260 RE: dandy4951 #65117

Here's your A/F ratio facts ,Dandy.

If you inject hho prior to the O2 sensor (MAF or MAP) your sensor will read the gas as air and the ECU will read and increase the primary fuel accordingly. If you inject after the sensor it will be unread and will slightly affect the Stoich/Lambda (A/F) ratio.
14.7/1 is the usual air fuel ratio but that is usually at idle. Under load your ECU will demand more gasoline as needed and you might be runnin at a 10/1 rate. That's why fuel consumption differs or decreases under a load. Load would be hard exceleration, towing, climbin a hill etc.

The high producing hho electrolysis units available on the net produce about 2 liters of hho gas per min. 2 thirds of which is hydrogen gas and 1 third oxygen. An IC engine sucks in hundreds of times that amount of air in a minute. Depends on the engine size but the hho injected after the sensor will have little effect on the A/F ration. Remember that the HLNT hho unit is a low producing, low amp draw device. Expect about 1/2 liter of hho production per min. Virtually nothing in the A/F ratio change from stock.

The key to hho use is the actual reading of the hho as a % of the air being injected at any given RPM or load. First you must measure and then map the ECU to maintain the appropriate A/F ratio while considering the effect of the hho on fuel efficiecy. Efficiency as in the amount of fuel burned which increases with the introduction of hho.

In order to do the above you must read hho, remap the ECU to run leaner at various RPMs with max efficiency. The EPA will not let anyone tamper with an ECU. HLNT has zero chance of gettin hho injection approval along with ECU remapping.

Study Stoichometric and Lambda A/F ratios and control to understand the above better. Don't expect much if any milage gain with the hho injection without ECU mapping, which is set and can't be messed with by law. You can expect to see an emissions reduction except for O2 which will increse. The EPA considers the O2 gain to be bad. That's total bs but it's their game and any company in the game plays by their rules. I've been through it many times.

You can purchase hho units all over the net for a hundred bucks or less. You can also purchase Pulse Width Modulators to fool an ECU if you want ta take a chance as well as potentiometers to adjust amperage and hho production amount. HLNT can sell neither and stay in business. HLNT is a con. They claim to have a mapping device that reads rations. They don't. They do have a 2 dollar potentiometer you can adjust by hand and try to dial in some type of efficiency they claim possible. Hundreds of others do the sameat a fraction of the price. They'd also like you to believe they have a patent on hho production. They don't. The only patent they could apply for and possibly get is a design pattent which means nothing. All electrolysis produce hho and most at a much higher rate than HLNT.

Now look at the history of the individuals involved with this SHAM. That tells all. Follow the share distribution to the perps. Watch the FORECLOSURE lawsuit very closely. HLNT is being FORECLOSED upon and the shift of shares and assets is on. There's no excuse for any potential investor not to read the solid DD facts some of use provide. Confirm it all for yourselves. The actual facts on the technology and people involved are being handed to you so you won't get shammed. Study Mel Robinsons (exCEO of HLNT) cancer cure out of his arkansas home town for more on him and his games. Ck out his insurance fraud conviction that targeted the trucking industry. The present CEO of HLNT was appointed by Robinson. This latest dude was a local plumber from Robinsons home town.

You can swim with crocs if you're smart or you can be eatin alive.