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06/27/12 6:46 PM

#50164 RE: davidjk #50163


Next release, we added several more pieces of siding to complete the building enclosure , it took time but with the newly hired employees needed training on filling PQ's pockets with all the PM laying around for the trip back to Caymans. For the next month the new hires will work on filling the trucks with fuel so we can be ready for snow season and once that starts we'll train them in how to plow snow. Just might show them a mining tunnel after extensive training what a mine or tunnel and how a tunnel is designed. Ticked off Shareholders going at the management for a good old shareholder revolt will be on video for the world to see.JMHO what will happen end of Sept.


06/27/12 8:37 PM

#50167 RE: davidjk #50163

You're right. That's the best use I can think of for shares of this.