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02/16/03 4:05 PM

#5489 RE: Zeev Hed #5488

Yes, but another precendential question is which country is most likely to wake up one morning and learn that one of its major cities has been the subject of the first ever use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists.

Which precendential question would you rather answer?

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Rick Louden

02/16/03 4:26 PM

#5492 RE: Zeev Hed #5488

other nations may from time to time find it convenient to use our own approach with neighbors they may "consider" a future threat

Zeev, I may not be as good at predicting the future as you are judging from your outstanding stock market predictions(g), but I believe the civilized nations of the world have no desire to take unwarranted actions and the uncivilized nations of the world are going to do what they are going to do regardless. That's not to say that the U.S. attack on Iraq won't be used to justify actions by uncivilized nations and terrorists........of course it will. But in reality their actions will take place anyway (unless curbed by fear that the world has the backbone to stand up to them).


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02/16/03 4:54 PM

#5498 RE: Zeev Hed #5488

There is no acceptable alternative left to us Zeev. Everyone is not playing by the same rule book.

To allow Saddam to continue to develop WMD's makes no sense. To pretend that containment works is playing into his hands. To hope that whoever might follow him would be reasonable and willing to disarm is pure folly.

Zeev, I want to live in the same world you do. That world doesn't exist. This one has become much more dangerous since baby Kim and Saddam have taken their course.

We cannot fail to act.