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09/11/05 12:56 PM

#58562 RE: IH Geek [Dave] #58561

Grub. Thanks for your take on it.
Now maybe Matt will speak up.
I agree there are a lot of factors to be considered.

I think though it is confusing for some the current rules.

What I see personally from my perspective is some creating buying excitement on one board with maybe a few posts on another board.
Yet, their focus is on one board knowing a good part of the OTC penny world reads that board.

When I see posts where the price is posted time and time again with comments as soon as nite leaves the train is leaving the station or something to that nature it creates physcological buying seeds planted in people's heads no matter if they want to admit to it or not if they don't buy now they will miss out.

Some say posting one post on 5 different boards is doing the same.
I disagree.
There is a difference in the readers intake of the message.
The post on different boards creates awareness and of course maybe you should buy it.


Price goes up a .001 as they post that every step of the way to me that is someone trying to create buying excitement while they unload their shares they bought the week before.

I realize this situation of rules here in regards to what is considered to be spamming is very hard to have concrete answers to.

I do though think a discussion though of it is a positive for hub posters to discuss.

I have a strong feeling many others feel the same way.

Certain boards have certain cliques.
Reminds me of highschool so much I get a good laugh as the board moderators let someone do post after post as long as they are buddies or in the same stock.

So what I'm seeing here is rules meant for some, but not for others, depending on different factors as mentioned above.

No matter if anything comes of this discussion or not the ones doing the type of buying excitement posts I'm talking about are a lot of times the same ones jumping on others for doing four posts on different boards.

I do want them to know I and many others do see their actions and think their integrity SUCKS!


09/11/05 2:14 PM

#58563 RE: IH Geek [Dave] #58561


Can you please cancel my free membership? I e-mailed Matt as well, and I'm quite serious. I try to post and I get attacked... The best way to avoid this problem is to cancel my membership so I don't have the option anymore. Please cancel my free membership. Thank you.



09/12/05 8:33 AM

#58610 RE: IH Geek [Dave] #58561

>>From my perspective, it's a matter of practicality. A moderator can control repetitive spam on a single board if it it excessively disruptive to the dialog on that board and can escalate to Matt if necessary. One of the most common complaints about spammers is that they often hit the most popular boards, and users who BoardMark those same boards are alerted to new posts, only to find they are all the same post spammed to multiple boards. The multiple-board spammers are more easily dealt with by admins, while disruptive posters in individual boards are more practically dealt with by the moderators.<<

Excellent answer. Sometimes spam is glaringly obvious when it is about a stock that has NOTHING to do with the subject of a particular board. Sometimes when it's a penny stock that is only slightly related to the topic at hand it is suspicious. But usually I view something as spam when the same person has posted essentially the same message on 5 or 10 or 20 different boards within a day or two.