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Watts Watt

06/19/12 11:22 AM

#11074 RE: nyctravis #11066

I agree with your assessment, Travis. The consideration for the extention of the technology transfer section of the MTA, at best, will be incremental, perhaps on a per patent basis.

The original portfolio of patents was an accumulation since about 1993...say 20 years of patents.

What we are talking about here will be a very limited set of patents, in my opinion, primarily limited to formulation and process, which are assets distributed among our partners.

We need not forget that Apple, at the twinkle of an eye could buy Dr. Johnson's new sets of patents dealing with his processing method.

I am thinking that the value to any new patents or ammendments would result in less than $5-10 million at most. This is because the Company has not been successful in obtaining the full value of the original portfolio. I hardly think they will persevere any further in future negotiations. But also, unless this is game changing technology that would be worth more than all of the preceding patent portfolio, such aspirations of $40 million are ludicrous.

It's like saying, well, I paid $20 million for the car, and now I am going to pay you $40 million more just to get the keys to the car.

This is not how AAPL became wealthy and overflowing in cash.