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06/18/12 5:53 PM

#988 RE: goingupnow0 #987

i don't think theyre out of business, it's not that they all completely abandoned, they did put someone else in place for the time being


06/18/12 11:19 PM

#989 RE: goingupnow0 #987

Typically when you see this kind of filing for a management change. It's most likely the business has gone back to the private sector. And you either get a shell selling facilitator or the new guys coming in right away. With Chris Pearce being the only "employee" I'd say he is either a lawyer who facilitates mergers or is a receiver of shells. Or he wants to bring his company public and this is the first of multiple filings. It's more likely the first option in my opinion. At this point it's a) take a chance on an unknown incoming entity and hope for no reverse split or b) get out now and wait for more filings. Good luck!