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06/18/12 4:15 PM

#372925 RE: aalt #372923

Quite frankly and unfortunately very little and the reason for this is just as you have witnessed. These types of criminals are all connected and all a law firm has to do is to 'throw the case" and settle for peanuts is say " we have agreed to settle for x amount due to time and fees, while looking ethical. Now, there is some truth to this but I know for a fact after watching legal cases for many years is when lawyers say two things the result will be, you are screwed. These are 1) we will get to it and 2) we have to settle because of time and expense or somthing similar to this.

When you here either or both of these two early in the case or the law firm is making remarks suggesting this, look for an exit as these people have been promised something that will enrich them a whole lot later. We have seen this multiple times and do NOT ask me to post links or anything else. These facts are observations and learning over several years with law firms. If you remember these two pieces of what law firms will do to throw you under the bus while looking extremely ethical, then this will save you much heartache over the years!


06/18/12 4:22 PM

#372926 RE: aalt #372923

My advice,... don't hold your breath and wait around for escrow shares to pay off. They might, they might not. They might pay off, but not for a few months, a year, or more.

They are the wildcard here.

And - it's not like you can sell them to some other individual or entity at this point. Win or lose, they are yours.

Let them sit and ignore them - be pleasantly surprised if/when they pay off.