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09/08/05 5:28 PM

#15043 RE: SEBASS #15042

Sebass, this the problem. You are basing what you are saying on gut feelings and assumptons not facts. I am also very upset that they missed their deadlines, but they have and I have moved on. It's all about your tolerance level. I have been in stocks before where mangement haven't dellivered on their timelines and claims which cause me to subsequently bailed out. On these stocks, my tolerance level wa sreached and I quickly got out. The main calim here is that they will make the strat fly and make it become a viable technology. You have to decide whether you beleive that they are capable to make it fly. If you don't think they can make it fly, get out now. If you do, then be patient. Make no mistake about, this is not a hort term get rich quick thing. IMHO,this is a very long term investment that end up making a lot of us rich. Decide what your tolerance level is and act accordingly...


09/08/05 5:37 PM

#15045 RE: SEBASS #15042

My feeling is that (and I believe we were told this) that S2 (and even S1) where and are so much larger than the original vehicle and I would assume the planned propulsion just wasn't going to work with the new configuration. JMHO.

My gut feeling is based on recent PRs that no propulsion system they have as of yet hence the hire of the ZSW firm to develop one. How is the flight going take place to stratosphere by the end of 2005 without propulsion system?
Please if I am such a wiener then please someone enlighten me. I'm being serious.


09/08/05 5:41 PM

#15046 RE: SEBASS #15042

I guess I will try to keep this short and sweet b/c it a waste of time to go back and forth on this--it is what it is. S1 was to launch March and delayed b/c new people on board with better knowledge came along and to launch that big of thing needed to be launche under flight restrictions. S1 was then scrapped to go straight to S2, which would probably save time and with better technology on board. If S1 was launched in March, they would have to fix a bunch of things add new tech. and then build S2 and launch it. The time to that would probably be about the same time that S2 is going up end of this year and the technology probably wouldn't have been as good. What a waste of time, why did I even respond? Feel like i'm on the RB board or what it felt like b/c I never go there anymore