Serious1 - Congratulations, well said!
The strat is an item that will 'change and link' the world. And remember, the world wasn't built in a day.
As GlobTel 'goes green' with core business, the market will get 'greener' for investors. When Sanswire 2 is launched for testing we'll see a higher PPS, too.
What is of major importance - a solid Sanswire 2 and good test results. Between now and the test launch the dominos are falling into place, the bricks a being stacked and the 'ground assets' are being contracted and built (around the world). Launching the first strat (for tests) will be significant event. Without a doubt, some adjustments will be required and after final tests, 'the fleet' of strats must still be constructed, delivered and deployed.
I think Mr. Huff is doing a fine job! Far too many investors got the initial impression GlobeTel & the stratalite were/are 'shake and bake', big profit situation and BIG/FAST money on thier investment! Not so (as they now know).
'Our CEO' has more 'irons in the fire' around the world, at this time, than you can imagine. GlobeTel & Sanswire are two small - but growing - Companys at this time. But, by Year 2100, they will be running with the 'big dogs'! Stratellite will be a household word, around the world.
Ask Mr. Bob Jones if he first first learned how to ride a bicycle, then he drove a car and later became a test pilot. Education, Time, Training and experience led him to his previous positions with NASA. Mr. Jones didn't just jump into the cockpit and 'launch' on his first mission! Time, time, time - what a nasty 4-letter word... but in the end, I strongly think the results will be = SUCCESS!
Think what you want and do as you desire. I'm going to 'hold my ground', and I honestly think I'll have a smile on my face at a later date.
P.S. Best to get in on the bargin basement PPS that is out there now.